My moronic local news "sight" (lame)

Well, I agreed with the teleprompter explanation, until I read this little gem:

“The firearm was discovered, Long lead authorities to gun there were cartriges were tested for fingerprints and they matched the defendants.”

Um. What?


Or at least how to spell check.

Long is the name of the codefendent who led authorities to the gun.

Why do I click on those links? I know it will just make me die a little inside. :frowning:

But if their excuse for the shoddy “writing” on their news site is that the stories are just pasted off the teleprompter, it wouldn’t look like that. This is what I would post to a teleprompter:

The firearm was discovered when defendant Henry Long led authorities to the gun.

Cartridges were found at the scene. When they were tested for fingerprints, police say they matched those of the defendants.

That makes a hell of a lot more sense AND, is way easier for a person to read off a teleprompter.

p.s. They must be watching this thread. Just noticed that they fixed a few of the worst spelling errors. Mr Otter is still going to be “senteced” though. :smack:

LOL. Gee, they deleted my comment asking if the station manager’s four-year old had been hired as their copywriter. :cool:

I is close to o. Priviledges is a common mistake and one I sometimes make and have to recheck. The story made perfect sense to me. She has the license but HE ended up killing the moose. He’s trying to explain why this violation happened.

Perhaps the un-cleaned-up version was terrible, but this one is perfectly adequate given how bad things can get out on the Web.