My mother has passed

My heartfelt condolences to you and yours.

May your grief be mercifully brief, but may your memories of your mother be sweet and everlasting.

My deepest sympathies on such a profound loss.
Try to be easy with yourself.

I’m very sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences.

It sounds like she tried to make it as easy on you as she was able. I wish you the strength you will need, and for peace to follow.

My deepest condolences. Even when you know it is but a matter of time, it still hurts a lot. Take care and best wishes {{{ }}}

I’m sorry, Baker.

Baker I am so sorry to hear this. What a shock for you and your sister. My deepest condolences and affection.

I’m so sorry, Baker.

My condolences. I realize that the emotional pain of your lost is foremost right now, but regarding any anxiety over being the executor - I went through that myself and while I started out with great trepidation, it turned out not to be anywhere near the headache I thought it would be, despite the fact that a few parts were complicated. Most people are kind and helpful when you tell them why you’re trying to resolve various administrative matters (I have a soft spot for American Express because when I called them to straighten out whatever outstanding charges might be on her card, they said “never mind - we’ll just cancel the card and forgive the charges.”)

Just get more copies than you think you’ll need of her death certificate; they’ll come in handy. And stay organized from the get-go - keep an easy-to-find-and-consult file with notes on every transaction/communication relating to being executor.

Best of luck to you.

I’m so sorry. I wish there were a shortcut through grief. May your journey be simple and serene.

I’m so sorry Baker. You have many friends here and we’ll all be thinking of you.

Baker, so sorry for your loss.

Very sorry for your loss, best wishes to you and family.

I am so sorry for your loss.

You may have what seem like weird reactions, possibly at odd intervals. This is normal.

My deepest condolences, Baker.

I’m so sorry, Baker.

I’m sorry Baker. We all know how very painful it can be to lose a parent. It’s been 15 years since I lost my mom and I’m not going to lie, I still miss her terribly. The pain does ease, but I spent several hours in the beginning just riding around in my car so I’d have somewhere private to scream.

Please take very special care of yourself. Allow yourself to grieve in whatever manner you need to and please know we’re here to listen when you feel ready to share more.

I’m so sorry for your loss, Baker - that was me, almost 18 months ago. Although mum’s estate isn’t quite settled yet, it was far more straightforward than I’d expected and it turned out not to be so awful after all.

I’m sorry there is no shortcut through grief either, but there’s also no time limit on it and it’s different for everyone. Grieve in whatever way you need to, talk to people or don’t, but please remember that there are friends here who will be happy to listen when you’re ready.

Oh no! My condolences, @Baker. I remember your mother from our library trivia games and when I lived on your first floor. My mom and I have her estate all planned out, even the funeral is arranged and paid for already. I hope handling it doesn’t add to your stress.

I’m sorry. It’s always hard to lose someone you love.