My Mother passed away

Ayesha - I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad to lung cancer. It was excruciating to watch. By the end it was a relief for him to die.

I hope you and your family experience some peace in the coming days.


I read your thread about your mum and the hospital, and I was hoping and praying she’d come through, and… shite. I’m so, so sorry, Ayesha. :frowning:

I’m sorry Ayesha :(.

I’m so sorry for you and your family. :frowning:

Ayesha, I’m really sorry. I lost my dad last year and it sucks. Time does heal and someday you won’t have the stabbing horrible hurt. Remember the good. I bid you peace. Paula

Thank you all, this has been a nightmare, more than it had to be.

I was with Momma when she went, I swore to her when she got sick that she would not die alone and she wasn’t . Besides me two of my sisters were there as well as my niece, two of my Mom’s sisters and both her brothers.

She was an amazing woman, she lived for a week after having a massive heart attack and a stroke. So the cancer didn’t kill her.

I had never seen anyone die before, it was not pretty but I would not trade the fact that I was with her for anything.

My family has gone insane, if this is what death does to people I refuse to die.

There is nothing we can say that can ease your pain right now. All we can do is to help you to bear it, by giving you all of our thoughts and prayers. We are with you, even though you have never met most of us.

Ayesha, I’m so very sorry. Please email me if I can do anything to help.

Thanks again guys, I have to get ready to go to the funeral home for visitation, the funeral is tomorrow at 10 am, after it is over I will be able to lock to lock myself in my room for a few days, the LIONsob said I could. I don’t have to see or talk to anyone I don’t want to after this is over. This would have been hard no matter what but it didn’t have to be this hard.

My condolences to you and your family. :frowning:

I’m so sorry for your loss, you’re in my thoughts.

You have my deepest sympathy. Cardsfan lost his grandfather last week, so we are in the grieving process as well.

My heart goes out to you and your family for your loss.

I will be speaking at my Mom’s funeral tomorrow, there are some who did not seem happy about that decision but that’s tough cookies. Momma called me her eldest oldest and since I am that, I refuse to just back down on this one. I let it go when my next to the youngest sister informed me she would be doing the thank you cards, I let it go when she informed me that the guest registry will be placed in Mom’s casket before the burial (though we will get copies) I don’t mind it too much but I would prefer to be asked instead of informed.

My youngest Uncle very pointedly ignorned me again, that’s ok. I asked about pall bearers saturday and was kind of brushed off, my oldest uncle today asked me if my husband and son would do it, I said they would be honored to. The LIONsob had asked about it and Mom told me weeks ago she wanted them to do that.

This did not have to be as hard as it has been guys, I knew it would be hard but it could have been easier without all the b.s. I talked to my 3 sister who have left, they are in pieces but two did not feel safe staying here and I agree with them, the third has young children and had to get them back home and she couldn’t take anymore of the meanness that has been going on, again I agree. I am no stronger than they are, I am afraid and I am hurt but I have to do this, for Mom and for them.

Again I say that if this is what death does to people I am not going to die.

I am so sorry, Ayesha. I don’t know why, but loss sometimes brings out the very worst in people just when they need each other the most.

I’ll be thinking of you and your family tomorrow. You have all my best wishes for getting through the funeral so that you can have some time to yourself. I only wish there were something I could say to make any of this easier.

So sorry about your loss. Hope you can get through all this nuttiness and move on to a place of peace.

My sincere condolances. Losing a parent is a very deep sadness and nothing that I say will lessen that pain, but know that you are in my thoughts. I lost my father last December. The dopers here were wonderful in their support, sharing memories of their fathers. Please know that it will get easier.

Sending warm thoughts your way.

That is over and I am thankful. I did speak. I spoke of the fact that Mom loved her kids and her family, I quoted Catzpj’s and Sue from her guest book. I spoke of her ability to almost any kind of home repair froom roof to floor. Her crazy making climb on a chair and the fall from it and getting up to keep doing what she was doing. And how very much I love her and always will.

Much of my family did not speak to me, the aunt who returned the birthday gift I gave her did give me a ribbon and telephone headset from the spray she sent, the ribbon said “Jesus called” that is rather like one my grandmother had at her funeral and my aunt did say she loved me. I told her I love her too, I told her that the day she returned the gift I gave her.
I meant it, if I allow the things that have been said and done, the ignoring to turn my heart away from the people I have loved all my life then I allow it to make me less than who I am. I will not do that.

I love my family, I may have to love them from a distance but love them I will !

I actually ate a full meal and took a nap after. I will now just rest for a few days. Both my body and my spirit need it.

Thanks for being here guys.

Be well, Ayesha. You remain in my thoughts.