My Mother the Faux Republican

My mother called last night. She wanted to talk about GW and his recent decision concerning abortion. She didn’t know yet about the stem cell ban. She complained that she didn’t like his arrogance. She thinks the faith based funding might be a good thing. But why is he being such an arrogant jerk, flexing his muscles and swaggering so much? I explained to her that she was voting republican this year for all the wrong reasons. If she didn’t want her scared cow, abortion rights, infringed upon then she was voting for the wrong party. Now she’s having second thoughts.

I’m sure you guys don’t remember back during the campain I posted a rant about my mother and her silly political ideas. She called me up one night to discuss the election and let me know that she just couldn’t vote Democrat anymore because she was sick of voting along with all the n**gers. And why did Gore have to go and pick that Jew to be his running mate? Don’t you know the Jews control the banking industry in this country? I reminded her then that the Republican party was pretty much against abortion and for guns. (She does support some form of gun control. Those jerks do not need to be running around in the woods every fall shooting everything that moves.) But that didn’t matter she liked GW and his wife was so cute and looks good in her clothes. That stupid Hillary has never known how to dress.

So yeah we discussed the implications of the “gag order”. Of course my mother doesn’t really give a shit about women in Africa. But she does think that we should do something to make sure no more of their filthy diseases, like AIDS, leaves that country. So no it doesn’t seem right that we should cut off funding to international family planning groups. The population in those countries are already way out of proportion.

I’ll spare you the details of the rest. I’m running out of steam now. So Ma has had a change of political heart only two weeks after the election. She doesn’t like his arrogant posturing. I don’t know why she didn’t think about all of this before she decided not to vote with the Jews and the n**gers.


Charming. I might not like my dad very much, but at least he and Mom voted NDP.

Hidden Racism?

tell me all about it. My Dad seems to think that all the 'fugees that have come into Ireland over the last few yearts are here to steat what rightfully belongs to the “Irish” meaning the white Irish.

Thats right Dad. My own talents won’t be enough for me to have employment. all the “Darkies” will steal them. :rolleyes:
I’m just glad to see the day when people want to move here, instead of the youth emmegrating to get a job.

Frankly, I wouldn’t want a Democratic vote from that woman.

Not that I’m implying that the Republican Party is racist - I don’t thing any party would be proud of being supported by that kind of person.

With all due respect, your mother has some serious problems with her basic understanding of reality that go WAY beyond the Republican/Democrat decision.

Well, considering that the Democrats were the pro-slavery party and that until the advent of FDR and the New Deal populist politics and race-baiting went hand in hand, N2K’s mom is right in the old-style Southern Democrat tradition.

What I don’t get is the stupidity of bigots. If Jews control the money supply and all the banks and industries, why isn’t Israel the world’s preeminent economic power? How can blacks be stupid and lazy AND also take away jobs from the white man? The racist world view really isn’t self-consistent.

N2K, my sympathies. Dealing with your mom must really exercise the ol’ gag reflex.

goboy is right…she has a picture of Robert E. Lee hanging in her dining room like he’s a relative or something.

And she is a little out of touch with reality. She freaks out about things like E coli and lysteria. She’ll call and make sure I’m not feeding my son baloney so he doesn’t get sick.

Last night we talked about pesticides, herbicides, genetic engineering, steroids, antibiotics etc. in the use of raising food. Things like that scare the shit out of her. She’s getting a more and more neurotic as she ages.

Oh well, she’s my mother, I can’t divorce her really. And as long as we don’t talk about politics or Elvis (I’m always telling her that he was a fat, has-been, drug addict that died sitting on the toilet. Just to piss her off.) it isn’t so bad. I don’t “do” much with her anymore. I leave that up to my sisters. They go to movies with her and out to dinner and such. She dotes on my son sometimes to the point I have to separate them for awhile. He just gets way to sassy and tyranical when she’s had him for awhile. And naturally she won’t hesitate to make some n**ger comment or whatever in front of the kids but they brush it off as grandma being silly. (Praise the Lord and pass the potato salad! I did do something right even if she doesn’t think so.) Other than all of that she is devoted to her family to the point where we occasionally have to avoid her. And I’m fully aware that she is not the only person in the world like this. Where I’m from she is closer to the majority than many people would like to think.

I just had to share. She got on my last nerve last night.


goboy is right…she has a picture of Robert E. Lee hanging in her dining room like he’s a relative or something.

And she is a little out of touch with reality. She freaks out about things like E coli and lysteria. She’ll call and make sure I’m not feeding my son baloney so he doesn’t get sick.

Last night we talked about pesticides, herbicides, genetic engineering, steroids, antibiotics etc. in the use of raising food. Things like that scare the shit out of her. She’s getting more and more neurotic as she ages.

Oh well, she’s my mother, I can’t divorce her really. And as long as we don’t talk about politics or Elvis (I’m always telling her that he was a fat, has-been, drug addict that died sitting on the toilet. Just to piss her off.) it isn’t so bad. I don’t “do” much with her anymore. I leave that up to my sisters. They go to movies with her and out to dinner and such. She dotes on my son sometimes to the point I have to separate them for awhile. He just gets way to sassy and tyranical when she’s had him for awhile. And naturally she won’t hesitate to make some n**ger comment or whatever in front of the kids but they brush it off as grandma being silly. (Praise the Lord and pass the potato salad! I did do something right even if she doesn’t think so.) Other than all of that she is devoted to her family to the point where we occasionally have to avoid her. And I’m fully aware that she is not the only person in the world like this. Where I’m from she is closer to the majority than many people would like to think. She’s always said I was “different” like it was a dirty word or something.

I just had to share. She got on my last nerve last night.


Sounds like my Grandmother. When I went off to college my grandmother pulled me aside and whispered in my ear: “Now you stay away from those white gals, all they want is a taste of what you got between yo legs, the next morning they’ll find you hanging” Funny thing is nearly 20 years later, she’s dating a white man.

HA! Stuffy…that’s a hoot.

You know that black guy/big pecker thing kinda puzzles me a little. Maybe I’ve been lucky or something I don’t know, but the three white ones I’ve known intimately in my lifetime have been quite adequate in that department. As a matter of fact I think if someone showed me anything bigger I’d throw a rock at it. I never told any of them of course a big pecker is enough for a girl to handle, a big head just makes things worse, and at least one of them had both without any reassurance from me.

My mother has actually gotten worse in her old age. I chaulk a lot of it up to that.


You’ve been lucky :wink:

kidding, I’m kidding

Being Het, I’ve never wanted to do the research myself :D. I was pretty cosmopolitan in my dating though, and from asking a few at the time, some said yes and some didn’t. So I think it’s probably BS. Hey I know there’s a few gay guys here, how about it?

I was behind you 100%, until you started knockin’ Elvis.


Ack. Needs2know, I have so much sympathy for you.
My sweet old mother, who used to be as liberal as one as permitted to be in Orange County, voted for Bush because Gore is pro-choice. When did this change happen? What happened to the woman who used to think? Did she fall asleep next to a pod? I WANT MY MOTHER BACK!!!

<lip quivers> Elvis was NOT a looser!

“she has a picture of Robert E. Lee hanging in her dining room like he’s a relative or something”

Not Jesus?:smiley:

I hate to knock the one positive stereotype black guys can boast of, but the whole Blazing Saddles “it’s twue, it’s twue” is a crock. Black guys have a diversity of size, just like white guys.