Since I’ve been home for summer break, there have been two businesses that have opened near my house that have made me :dubious:. First is the “Drive-Up Wedding Chapel”. I didn’t know that they existed outside of LV. Second is yet another fortune teller. That makes 2 that I know of in our city, just on Hwy 71, and there’s also a weird store that sells stuff like that (and aligns your chakras, and prints out computer models of your aura, and all sorts of other stuff)
M. Check. P. Check. S. Check. I.M.S. Check. Yep, it’s all there! Drive up wedding chapel? Do they say their vows into a little clown mouth round back then drive up to a window where they pay and are handed a marriage license? I say you need to investigate this donkey and report back.
No, they’re a good couple of hundred of feet from each other. I don’t plan on investigating the chapel, swampy, as I don’t wanna have to marry a yucky girrrrrl.
You ain’t gotta marry a grrrrl. Just go find out what goes on. I just wanna know what goes on. I mean can they get hitched and get em a burger and fries while they’re there? Do they pull up to the drive thru and say: “I want a No. 1 wedding supersized with extra rice?” This is the kinda stuff that’s worth knowin’ about! Investigate!