my pc crashed and burned

Cecil…Ed…Lynn…Tuba…Dex… is anybody there?

I hope this sock doesn’t get me booted from home (SDMB) but I couldn’t get anyone’s addresses and I sent this to Jerry? but I know how busy the hamsters keep him. I figured it might be awhile before he can get back to me. In all of the insanity of getting chartered I had my password changed a couple of times and never changed it back to something I could remember. The other day my PC crashed during transition from one server to another. So, now I don’t even have the same e-mail address to request my password be sent.

As a result I registered as a guest in hopes of getting an e-address for the admins here. I still can’t get an address. If somebody would report this post or send a message up the ladder for me, I’d really appreciate.

many thanks… t-keela :slight_smile:

BTW my e-mail address is for the time being. :smiley:
gotta go work now, be back later
upon previewing this I realized that their addresses are probably their but I’m late now. So, dear friends I’ll post this and leave it to y’all. gotta go, bye>>>

I had a last minute thought. Hey, I’ll just report this post myself. Nope, can’t do it as a guest apparently.
So, just a bump it’ll be since there’s no views or replies.

t-keela - I reported your post to a moderator. Hope everything works out.

Remember this and stash it with your Birth Certificate and Social Security Number:

And most of the staff lacks addresses.

Or point your browser to here, where TubaDiva’s e-mail address is prominently displayed:

Thanks Honey u2 lieu :slight_smile:

Troy, Yeah buddy, your right. Live and learn.

and so far, UncleBeer you are apparently the top wrung on the ladder as far as me getting any attention thus far. :wink:

Y’all don’t think they’d bust me for this do ya?
I don’t much like kissing ass, but in this case I’d be willing to suffer a little bit of a brown nose. :smiley:
It has been “one of those” weeks.

BTW I’m gonna send Tuba a letter right now. Thanks again… :slight_smile:

They could, but I’ve seen other regulars “sock out” when they couldn’t access the boards, and the Powers That Be have fixed whatever the problem was, then banned the sock (but not the original username). I don’t think they want to encourage such a thing, but if you’ve exhausted all other options, they seem willing to cut you a break. I wouldn’t make a habit of it, though. :wink:

I swear to Cecil I didn’t want this to happen. MOF it’s been a royal pain in the ass. I not only lost my stuff here, but my most recent digital photos weren’t backed up either. I haven’t even really sat down yet and thought about all else that was lost.
I’ve been pulling hundred hour work weeks for the past couple of months. My old lady’s been pretty ill with her MD lately and I still haven’t been able to come up with my property taxes that were due in January. My son is working on his Eagle merit badge this month and needs about $500 for his trip to NOAC. I ain’t really got it but I’ll f…ing get it somehow.
It means a full scholarship to the Air Force Academy. I figure if it takes 24/7 then that’s what I’ll do.

LuvUguys… :slight_smile:

Sorry mi amigos about the bad atmosphere of my last post. I didn’t mean for it to sound as bad as it appears in print. I meant to express the fact that I’ve been rather preoccupied with other things and just didn’t take care of my business in this matter (my SDMB membership and the responsibilities that go with it).
I hope to see y’all around the boards.

QED I doubt that I’ll let this happen again.

You might try installing the old hard drive, if even temporaily, in the new machine. You may find your old files are not as lost as you think. Of course, this depends on how the system crashed, and what caused it.

I wish it were that simple. (Yeah I know even that’s not really easy) But I didn’t get a new computer. The one that I’m on now, “somebody” (no one will admit who) was downloading something…
My son plays guitar and is always downloading tabs and stuff.
Anyway, whatever the hell got onto my system chewed it up to the point where it wouldn’t even boot up. I tried everything I could think of to get it back online but finally had to format C: and reload everything.
Now, it’s been awhile since my old programming days but if you know how to get back data off a formatted hard drive buddy, I’m all ears.

Yikes. Well, it is possible, but I’m guessing you don’t want to throw the several hundred dollars it would cost at it. And it’s too late for any other advice, isn’t it?

OK, Ears, listen up. But first, google for “data recovery hard drive formatted” (not with quotes) and you will find programs for UN-formatting in the mix. Offhand, I don’t know of any free ones, but it is likely they are out there.

Contrary to popular geek knowledge, not all formatting of magnetic media overwrites all data. Some formatting doesn’t even touch the actual data, just rewrites sector headers or less, like FAT tables. Generally, the higher level of formatting (like thru the operating system) is easier to reverse. Lower-level formatting (like factory, or thru the BIOS) is more thorough, altho I have seen tools used by serious data-recovery firms like the FBI that attempt to reconstruct magnetic patterns that have been disrupted, but not obliterated, by a single format pass.

Not that this is of any help to you at the moment, sorry. :frowning:

Getting data off a reformatted drive is hairy enough you’ll probably need someone to do it for you: The tools you rely on stop working once the filesystem’s been gutted, and you’re left to analyze raw dumps. Which isn’t quite as nasty as divination by reading chicken entrails, but can be about as exact a science. :wink:

So, unless you have thousands of bucks worth of data (such that you wouldn’t mind spending hundreds getting it back), I’d say write it off as a loss and be more interested in making backups in the future. Zip drives and CD-RWs can help you there.

Dammit! talk about a pain in the ass. It’s been a few days getting this straight but here I am, back home where I belong and not posting under an alias.
Jerry, Tuba, Lynn and any others (Honey and U/B?) who have assisted in my return, I sincerely thankyou for your trouble in this matter.

and BTW I wish to apologize for my breach of SDMB policy regarding the use of sock-puppets. I had simply run out of ideas about how to reach y’all. Therefore, I picked a rather obvious name to avoid any misunderstanding. I don’t recommend this tactic to others and wish I hadn’t had to resort to it myself.

I would’ve changed my password back to something I could recall (after registration) but …yada, yada, excuses, excuses…etc.

BTW Troy, I don’t have a problem remembering my B/C or any one of dozens of other i.d. & various#'s and pswrds. I just got lazy on this one I guess. Plus, I’ve been kinda busy…yada
You know it’s pretty amazing how many numbers a person can recall. I’ve got hundreds (at least) of these bits of info. on instant standby. I can recall every phone number, address, zips, friends #'s, DL#, SS, plus user id’s and passwords etc.
Even my old addresses, phone #'s and a practically endless list from the past. I assume this is fairly common, even though a lot of folks seem to have a hard time recalling their own phone number. (You rarely call yourself.)
Perhaps this should be a thread of its own? How good is your memory?
With an exception to people’s names I think mine is pretty good. If I don’t say a persons name two or three times right after we’re introduced…it’ll be gone within a few minutes. In one of my psych classes the prof. was randomly testing students short term memory in the class. He was kinda impressed (I think) when he determined that I could recall 13-15 characters in random strings of numbers and/or letters.
But…and that’s a BIG BUT, If I fail to register it in long term storage it’s gone. If I do, odds are that I can recall it. Sometimes it takes a trick or two but most of the stuff is usually handy.

hmmm. I think I will start a thread. Maybe later though. That is, if I don’t forget. :smiley:

Anyway, thanks guys. I’m glad to be back.

That’s gospel.