My PM box is 100% full?

I thought the PM box capacity just got doubled from 50 to 100 messages, so how come it’s now full with only 65 messages?

Do you have 65 messages total, or 65 in the inbox and 35 in the outbox?

Edit Nevermind.

To resolve the issue with people losing their “Charter Member” title I created a new vBulletin usergroup. That usergroup, which you’re now a member of, had a message limit of 50. It’s now been updated to 100.

Thanks, Jerry. I hadn’t put it together yet that my new membership in the “Used-To-Be-A-Charter-Member” Club would also make me eligible for reduced mesage limits too.

And since I’d already cut and pasted this for Marley 23’s use, I’ll keep it: