How do I fix? She’s been getting bathed a lot and she also romps in ponds and such, so I’d think it’d help. It seems that, after bathing, the skunkage just comes out.
I’ve got tomato soup! Ideas anyone?
How do I fix? She’s been getting bathed a lot and she also romps in ponds and such, so I’d think it’d help. It seems that, after bathing, the skunkage just comes out.
I’ve got tomato soup! Ideas anyone?
I’ve heard of washing in lots of tomato juice…
I googled this. Good luck!
From that link, go with the “tip from a vet”:
1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 cup Baking Soda
2 tablespoons dish detergent.
Mix the ingredients in a large bowl (it will boil up like Vesuvius). Wash the dog with this mix while it is still foaming.
Forget the tomato juice – all it does is give you something to smell when olfactory fatigue sets in (and turns your dog pink).
We’ve used tomato juice on our cat several times. It usually takes two separate washes to get the skunk smell out, but it does work. We just dump a large can on her, rub it in, and set her loose outside. She then cleans herself up, and when she comes back (usually a day later) we do it again. After that, she’s pretty much skunk-smell free.
Maybe let the puppy loose in the yard covered in juice for a while, then hose it off, then reapply?
Good luck!
When I livd in the Wyoming mountains, we kept cans of tomato PASTE around, since it’s essentiall tomato sauce concentrate (it wasn’t a big cabin, and the dogs got skunked a lot). We’d cut it with some water, clean the dogs, then shampoo them.
Doesn’t mean the other stuff here wouldn’t work as well though.