My poor kid!

We started off this year with a bang- I had serious sinus issues which were triggering migraines. The migraines in turn triggered by blood pressure to go goofy, I almost croaked due to anaceph…cant spell it shock, my kidneys went wonko (I have PKD, we found it’s spread to my liver also). Suffice it to say the early part of this year blew monkey chunks.

Now LilMiss has taken over. Mid March, on the morning of her leaving for a Girl Scout trip, she woke up with intense ear pain. We ran to urgent care, actually, we went and sat outside until they opened. Ear infection. She made it to her trip and I brought the prescription up to her. The following Tuesday she was playing in the McDonalds playland with some friends (school fundraiser). BAM. Hurt her finger. Went to urgent care again, had x-rays, was told it was just bruised. The following day they called me back, I was told “Oops, we were wrong. She fractured her finger, please come get it splinted” She managed to fracture her R ring finger in the growth plate just above her knuckle.

She finished taking the amoxicillian for her ear infection. TWO DAYS LATER she states her other ear really hurts. Back to the doctor. Now the OTHER ear is infected. Prescribes something else.

Easter Sunday dawns, she wakes up with a horrendous hacking cough. We’re talking coughing until she vomited. Called the doctor, was told it’s a virus going around. Nothing that can be done- and as she’s already on drugs for the ear if it were bacterial it would clear up. She made it to school Tuesday- until 1pm. When I picked her up my Casper baby was white as death. Just for the heck of it I called her dad to see if he had been sick (she was with him a fair amount that prior week). He had spent Easter Sunday in bed all day coughing and wheezing. Great. LilMiss proceeded to pretty much sleep through Wednesday and Thursday. The school politely asked that I didn’t bring her back until she felt better. She felt better Friday, so she went to school.

Come Friday evening she complains about being itchy. I looked at her back, it was a HUGE rash. Ditto her stomach. In places she scratched until she bled. Gave her an antihistamine, it helped. She went to bed. Woke up Saturday just fine. No rash, no itches. Until the afternoon. UGH. Ended up AGAIN at Urgent Care (which was actually a good thing as I had forgotten to pick up the film from her fractured finger, needed for her check up tomorrow). Was told she either has Fifth’s Disease AGAIN or her body is just being cruel with the allergies.

My poor kid!! When we walked into Urgent Care the triage nurse greeted her by name! The pharmacist at the Walgreen’s knows us by name!

She’s fallen behind on her schoolwork due to being out. Her orchestra teacher wanted to fail her for not playing in the concert the day after her finger was splinted (she could barely hold the bow). Her sleep schedule is screwy from sleeping so much. And it’s a beautiful day outside and she’s too itchy and cranky to enjoy it.


You really have had a sucky year. I hope LilMiss feels better soon. I had that coughing virus, and it really is nasty. I thought I was going to lose a lung before it was all over. Big “Feel Better” vibes for your whole family!!!

I’ll send prayers and good vibes your way. Is LilMiss on regular anti-histamines/decongestants? Could it be something she comes in contact with at school maybe? In any case, it sucks to be itchy, and cranky, and wanting to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. My heart goes out to her. I hope things get better for both of you soon. :frowning:

Personally, if she developed a rash after two rounds of antibiotics, I’d be suspecting an allergy to the medication. I hope you all have a better April than you did March.

Calliope has a point, what kind of anti-biotics were they? Maybe you should mention that to the doctor, so they can avoid giving that line of anti-biotics to her again?

I am sorry for yours and your daughter’s health troubles.
Stay away from the Petri dish that is McDonald’s playlands. Those things have to be funded by the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Gah! For that matter, can’t some anti-biotics cause a “reaction” to sunlight? Did she go out for recess or out in the sun prior to her rash?

We just got back from the wonderful pediatrician. Dude wears a Greatful Dead dancing bears yarmulke. He is absolutely wonderful- LilMiss just adores him.

The first prescription she had was amoxicillan. That one went just dandy. The second prescription was for augmentin. She had not taken a dose since Thursday night. Friday she also tried a new kind of fruit leather. At this time we know it’s NOT Fifths Disease, but rather an allergic reaction. Whether it’s to the augmentin or the fruit leather we are unsure. We’re going to keep her away from either of those two beasties for the next few weeks, then try the fruit leather again to see if that’s the culprit. When she was 5 she had a severe allergic reaction to… something. At that point it was narrowed down to either strawberry Bubble Yum or shellfish. She has since then been fine with both of those foods. If gum is a food. Her doc said it could be that the stress her body has been under, what with the other illnesses and that whole nasty puberty thing, has pulled up the old strawberry flavoring allergy. She’s not allergic to strawberries themselves.

She back upstairs already sound asleep.

That’s it, I’m applying for a new physician!

snogs MissTake I’m so glad both of you are feeling better :slight_smile: Hang in there–spring’s here!