My post count is now 100000000002

Yes, that’s right 10000000000[sub]2[/sub]. (Subscripting doesn’t work in subject lines, you know.) No, I didn’t forget about my post number 1000[sub]10[/sub]. I just didn’t think it was important. I also didn’t think January 1, 2000, was important. But I’m having one hell of a party in 2048. (You’re not invited).

In keeping with my plan to change my signature every 2[sup]10[/sup], I am retiring my old one, which was

I could have sworn I enabled show signature.

Please tell me your new sig quotes Francis Bacon, 16th century philosopher and author, and not Francis Bacon, 20th century painter of horrific images.

Happy now? Of course everyone will think you’re crazy for having to ask.

I couldn’t do the math, but it must be true.
** Happy 100000000002th post!**