My salad dressing is trying to start a conversation

No, it’s not talking back to me–that’s the cucumbers.

I mean there is a little blurb on the top of my Kraft low fat 1000 island entitled: Dinnertime Conversation Starters

#59 What do you enjoy collecting?
#67 What always cheers you up?
Americans, you pathetic couch potatoes! Turn off that television! Get up! Gather at the dinner table. See, the people at Kraft have prepared you a fresh, crisp salad. Pull up your chairs. We see you staring blankly at each other, your eyes bleary and your ears ringing from hours of Regis and Pepsi commercials. Never fear, we can help you. Just pull that bottle of dressing on over and read the top. You remember how to read, don’t you? Now, turn to your loved ones and ask them…
What do you get if you master the whole set? Dinner at the Algonquin with Alec and Dotty?

oh man, now the salad dressing is taking conversation 101 at the local high school?


I remember going to one of those Japanese steak houses, you know, where they sit you with a bunch of strangers???

My guy and I are looking at the menus, the other couple sits down, we nod pleasantly, the wife turns to the husband and asks “what’s an avo-caaaaado??” he doesn’t know, so we, nicely explain it to them, they thank us, we all order. and.

they want to talk. to us.

He says "do ya think that movie “Last Temptation of Christ” will come to Lansing?

yuppers. 'spect so.

long evening.

Our local morning radio show was talking about those the other day.
I think they called it 101 dinner fight starters.

Which is exactly what happened at my dinner table!

I laughed and asked the question. I think it was what country would you like to visit or something like that.
My daughter answered her answer to which my son told her she was crazy which started them bickering, and then my husband joined in with his two cents which goes way over the kids heads. Something about the politics in said country.

I tore the lable off the bottle! :smiley:
Now we can continue with our normal little arguments over how cleaned the room last and who’s turn it is to clear the table.

Oh, wow, I never noticed that.

#4 What is the funniest thing you have ever done?

#21 Where do you think you will be in 5 years?

Thanks for pointing that out. Now if you’ll excuse me, the croutons are telling me to get back to Regis.

#47 If you could have any job for a day, what would it be?

Well, it sure wouldn’t be copying these questions from some party game onto salad dressing labels…

If our society has degraded to the point where we have to take advice from salad dressing on how to initiate dinner conversation, then there truly is no hope left.
And just when I was going to try optimism for awhile. Shit.

When I saw the title, I thought of the Calvin and Hobbes sunday strip where Calvin’s food recites the “to be or not to be” soliloqy from “Hamlet” :smiley:

#68- Spit or swallow?

More bad news: Kraft foods is owned by Phillip Morris, the tobacco company. If you don’t like tobacco companies, boycott Kraft foods. I don’t care what you do either way, but I just want everyone to be informed.

Funny, I don’t remember saying anything. :slight_smile:

uh, Jabe wouldn’t that be #69? :smiley:

And do you realise what it would take to boycott Philip morris? I used to work for Oscar Mayer and I never thought about how many other companies they own.
They just bought Nabisco on top of it. They own Miller, Post, Kraft, and a few others I can’t remember right now. Good luck!

No, you see, its is 68, that way it gives you time to decide.

No, no, it’s 68 because…

You blow me and I’ll owe you one :slight_smile:

#83 what would you buy at K mart when a store is going out of business

answer: VCR and a pair of gloves

>> then my husband joined in with his two cents which goes way over the kids heads. Something about the politics in said country. I tore the lable off the bottle! Now we can continue with our normal little arguments over how cleaned the room last and who’s turn it is to clear the table.

Now I understand why many young adults seem to have been living in an isolated island and know close to nothing about the world.

In my home, not only did we discuss interesting topics but everytime some question came up which we could not answer my father would say “look it up” (We had a big encyclopedia, this was BI, before the Internet). “look it up” became an ongoing joke and whenever no one had an answer we’d jump to see who was the first one to say “look it up!”

I guess one reason we didn’t have dinnertime arguments was we were too busy discussing things more interesting than whose turn it was to clear the table.

BTW, I have seen those “conversation starters” on coasters in bars. Maybe it is difficult to think of something to talk about when all you can think about is if she’ll let you paly with her tits (Emily and Jane) tonight.

paly? I meant “play”.