She’s a nice woman. Well, nice-ish. But she leaves stains on the paperwork that she gives me.
Unidentifiable stains. Typically brown streaks around the bottom. Sometimes red or yellow.
She does eat at her desk a lot. And she drinks a lot of coffee. I’m certain that the stains are either food or coffee. Nevertheless, whenever I see one of the stained pieces of paper in my file, I always shudder. She just handed me a piece of paper that was stain-free, but had a little yellow glob on it. I tried to flick it away, but it stuck to my finger. It was sort of soft, so I’m pretty sure it was a booger.
Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck.
She’s also unusually sensitive about any sort of criticism. Or anything, really. She’ll cry at the drop of a hat. So I won’t be talking to her about the stains. I’m more concerned that she schedule my appointments correctly.
She’s also been a secretary for our office since I was in grade school, so she’s been gross since the 80’s. That isn’t really relevant, except to point out that I didn’t hire her.
Anyway, just wanted to share. I hope she’s not infected with anything.
Spill some coffee on your own keyboard, or other selected item.
Make a new office rule (or have your chain of command do it): No eating or drinking at one’s desk. No food stored there. Food or drink in breakroom only. No exceptions. Beginning now.
She makes a beeline to bend the rule–has food in purse, says she forgot, eats at filecabinet instead, etc, etc. You say: “Oh my gosh, what if Mr. Honcho sees you!” Your turn to do the excess emotion thing, (horror and upset, not tears) and keep raving till that foodstuff item is in the breakroom. Don’t answer the phone or otherwise divert your attention during these minutes. You’re not attacking her, you’re saving her butt. Interrupt any excuses, keep on saving her butt.
Discuss the goop problem with management first, and get them to say they’ll make and back up such a rule. They may or may not be OK with the part where your keyboard gets dunked, but I’d say the cost-benefit is favorable.
Heh. You didn’t ask for advice so I am thinking you aren’t looking to move her on and get another secretary so I will refrain from giving any.
But I have to tell you. I have an active imagination and I had this flash of your office. You’re a private investigator. Probably used to be a cop or something. You know, been around the block a few times. At least. Heart of gold under all that vinegar.
Sweet Jesus! I most certainly would mind! That’s disgusting!
But I’ll do it for you. . . Sorry, can’t find it.
Thank you. Most people call this helicopter beanie childish and immature.
And MaryEFoo, very good advice. I’ve already told management. They get a chuckle out of it. No new food policy in the works, though.
How about offering her a box of those sanitary wipe things and say you’re worried about germs or something? Close enough to the truth and you’ll make it clear that it’s your strange little foible, absolutely no reflection on her, see? you use them on your own germs. And maybe she won’t cry too much that way.
I thought maybe you were in the same position as Billy C found himself
I was going to say next time rent a dress, but oh well.
You might try pointing out to management just how much time is lost, to the distraction.
I don’t know how large an office we are talking about, but it can add up real fast.
Mistakes are often overlooked as well loosing more time.