My sister is why we can't have nice things

As long as I can remember, my younger sister has been ruining family events. Graduations, vacations, nice dinners, you name it, her self-centered pouting has always put a damper on nice family get-togethers. Today, I discovered, that at age 25, she is exactly the same as when she was 5.

My parents, sister and I went to LACMA today to see the Pompeii exhibit. We were all wearing headphones at the exhibit, so were not enforced to endure her endless stream of blather for most of the visit. On the way to the parking lot, my mother unfortunately tripped and fell. Sequence of events was as follows.

(1 second before fall)

Sister: Mama, look where you’re going, watch out for that-

mother trips over curb and falls, hard

Sister: I told you to watch out for that curb, why don’t you watch out where you’re going, God you never listen to me, you’re exactly the same as Uncle Bill, you never listen, and I told you to watch out, blah, blah, blah…

Mother: holding her knee in agony I don’t really need this now, K.

Me: Yeah, that’s enough.

Begin monumental sister pout, followed by tears, silent treatment for the rest of us, and pretending to work on Important Things on her I-Phone. My mother tries to placate her by telling her she knows she was just worried and that my mother is sorry for talking to sister like that, etc.

Sister: Well, you should have listened to me! You never listen to me, I told you to watch out and you never listen, blah blah, same speech from earlier.

Me: (to mother) It’s K who should be apologizing to you!

Mother: Now don’t make things worse.

Continue awkward drive with my mother trying to be perky and engage sister into talking, sister continuing the silent treatment. “Just take me home,” and “Leave me alone,” she says.

The plan was to go out for lunch, but my sister says, “I’m not hungry,” despite having complained of hunger right before the falling incident. I suggest leaving the bitch in the car (not in so many words), but my mother lightly insists that she is not that hungry either. They drop me off and drive home in, I presume, more awkward silence.

To Sister: Stop attempting to compensate for your obvious intellectual deficits by acting superior to and criticizing everyone around you. It’s especially grating when you act this way toward our parents and our uncle. They are your elders and your superiors, are in no way mentally-impaired (unlike you), and there is no reason to constantly treat them as if they are exasperating small children. When people call you on your obnoxious behavior, stop pouting and crying like a small child. You are worse than my preschool age students, who at least can contain their tantrums to a maximum of ten minutes when they are scolded. In short: Grow the fuck up.

Yeah, your sister sounds like a real pain in the butt, but your mom sounds like she enables the behavior, so they’re really both contributing to it.
I bet your sister would stop pouting fast if your mom’s response had been to ignore it and let her take a taxi home while you and Mom went on with your plans for lunch.

Oh, don’t I know it. I have been telling my mother this for years. The enabling goes far, far beyond this story, from cleaning my sister’s house to buying her groceries to doing her research for school projects. sigh

She’s 25 and still cries when she’s told off?


This definitely reminds me of a similar post by another doper, about a friend who throws fantastic (not in the good sense) temper tantrums when she doesn’t get her way.

A swift smack in the back of the head would be an adequate solution, I’d say. :wink:

I thought you’re supposed to smack misbehaving toddlers on the butt . . .

Wow. I feel your pain. My mother-in-law and my sister-in-law remind me of your sister, the husband in the family enabling their behaviour by catering to their every whim. For this reason I no longer go anywhere with them. My SO handles it by ignoring their behaviour, or calmly objecting to it when he can’t ignore it. I think this may be the best way for you to keep sane.

Your parents are adults and you can’t change their behaviour. If your mother wants to keep enabling your sister to act like a 5-year-old, she will. Your sister is adult and you can’t change her behaviour either. She’ll go on doing this as long as she’s rewarded for it.

You can however tell them how you feel, what you see them doing, and then step away from the situation to preserve your own sanity. Removing your company from them could also show your mother the consequences of further enabling your sister’s behaviour.

Edit: Er, I realize that that means actually changing their behaviour. I guess what I mean is that you can’t tell someone to stop doing something. They’ll go on doing it as long as there’s a reward in it for them, or a pattern that’s comfortable to repeat. If you remove the reward or remove part of the pattern, there’s a chance of new and more constructive behaviour forming.

She’s 25, I think she’s old enough for a backhand to the face, to be honest (from her mum, not just generally. Well… :p)

My girlfriends sister is just like this. The mother daughter relationship is exactly the same, every time the sister gets lippy, mother apologizes for making her lippy, instead of chastising her for her behavior.
Drives me fucking loopy!

Yeah but that friend (I think it was SurrenderDorothy) is remaining friends with the girl because there is a kid involved who desperately needs some sanity. I read that thread, too - pretty horrific. I mean as I recall she really throws herself down on the floor and kicks and screams. :eek:

I was out a friend and her mom once. The friend was super whiny all day long. Everything her mother said she whined about. Finally I turned around and said, “Would you shut up! Yoru mom is wonderful. Quit whining.”
And after that we became very good friends. But that was because she had some self-awareness and knew how foolish she looked.

Unfortunately the OP’s got blood ties. Ugh.

Sounds to me like your mother is the reason you can’t have nice things.

This is basically what I’ve done, with the exception of removing my company from my parents. I love my parents, and I don’t live very close (about an hour’s drive), so I would never reject their company. They know how I feel about my sister. Whenever I try to bring up the topic anew, they tell me to stop talking about it. I come from a family where it is more important to keep the peace than to deal with the issues.

Pyper, that describes my family too.


Are you me? Because that sounds like something my younger sister would do (she’s 27, BTW).

In my case, I decided to take myself out of the equation about a year ago. It’s just easier to let them sort out their fucked-up dynamics on their own, because I always end up in the middle and they don’t seem willing to fix things (in fact, sometimes I wonder if they enjoy pushing each other’s buttons and digging up unecessary drama, in a bizarre sado-masochistic kind of way).

I can’t begin to tell you how much better things are ever since I made that choice… My mother and I get along quite well when it’s just the two of us, and I’ve discovered that I actually get along much better with my sister when she’s not constantly one-upping me for mom’s attention. I don’t think it’s particularly improved their relationship with each other, but they’re both big girls and I’m tired of trying to solve that problem.

I’m not defending her bahavior at large, she sounds extremely insecure and possibly histrionic.

But can you see how such a person, who is constantly made aware that they are not doing the right thing might want a bit of credit when for once they were right about something? Maybe even see it as finally a chance to show an example of how their input might occasionally be useful if only folks would give it a chance?

And maybe even feel the weight of their universally recognized wrongness suddenly crash down and overwhelm them when they are once again declared to have been horribly wrong for having tried to show this to the people whose respect she so desperately craves?

Update: My mother broke her kneecap. :eek: Not just a little break, either, her doctor says the kneecap is separated a half an inch. She’s having surgery to have pins put in next week. If anything, this makes me more pissed off that my sister’s reaction was to berate my mother and then sulk.

TrueCelt- that might be plausible…if my sister was ever aware of doing anything wrong. In her world, she is always right and everyone else is an idiot.

Okay, wait. Your sister tries to warn your mom about tripping on a curb, a warning which your mom unfortunately either missed or ignored or came too late. Had you offered a warning to your mom? Given her your arm to help with the curb? Anything?

Then your mom is gripping her knee in agony and you believe your *sister *put a *damper *on this little get-together? I’d say the event was dampened when your mother fell. Why didn’t you insist she go to the ER right then? Did you go get help from the exhibit personnel? If not, why not?

Then you’re all twisted because your mom, who you know is in agony, didn’t want to go to lunch? Geez, maybe her freaking knee (which you now say was badly fractured) hurt! Maybe it had nothing to do with your sister and her lost appetite. If your sister had been less disagreeable, would you still have dragged your poor mother to sit through lunch with you? At minimum, YOU should have suggested postponing the lunch until your mother felt better.

Just what did you contribute to making your mother feel better (and telling your sister to apologize was not such a contribution)?

Who cares what she’s like? Look at what **you’re **like. And then, if I may borrow your own words, “Grow the fuck up.” Your poor mother.

Wow, that’s pretty harsh. Maybe if the OP’s mom is a frail little old thing that all might be warranted, but I’m guessing that the mom is probably healthy enough that nobody thought a simple fall would turn into such a big deal.

Wow, that’s a lot of conclusions you’re jumping to, there. In the interests of not making my post 10 pages long, do you think I might have edited some stuff? Maybe you could have politely asked if I did any of that stuff before you decided to lambast me.

My mother is in her early 50’s, so no, I did not warn her about the curb or offer my arm. It was an unfortunate accident that she tripped, not a result of her frail condition.

I did insist we go to the ER right then, actually. My mother refused. Was I supposed to kidnap her? She insisted it didn’t hurt that much after the fall. We went to my house where I got her some ice and some ibuprofen, told her again to go to the ER, she refused, then they drove home. Later that day, I found out, she cleaned the house. According to her doctor, broken kneecaps are frequently not that painful. I called her that evening and again told her to go to the doctor. She finally took my advice the next morning when she couldn’t move her lower leg. Sorry I didn’t include all this in my OP, but it seems that in trying to avoid painting myself as the perfect daughter, I’ve gotten you all hot and bothered.

I wasn’t pissed off that we missed lunch. I was pissed off that my horrible sister made a bad situation worse with her attitude. There’s a difference between a day being ruined by a random twist of fate and a day being ruined by the actions of someone else. If my mother had fallen and my sister hadn’t acted the way she did, we all would have probably stopped for some fast food and eaten it at my house while my mother refused to go to the ER. Everyone would have gone home in a pretty good mood, despite things. Instead, everybody ended up pissed off at everybody else and we all went our separate ways in a bad mood.

I don’t think my sister has offered to do one thing to help my mother since this happened. She is still off in her week-long sulk.

As a side note, damn, look at all the views this thread has gotten! I guess people love a good family train wreck. :smiley: