And that lesson is, when a teenage girl comes at you with a bottle of Raw Color[sup]TM[/sup], I don’t care how cute she is, yousayNO!!
Once I got done laughing, I took him to Wal-Mart to buy a bottle of something - ANYTHING - that might cover the horribleness. An old man wandered up to us and focused blearily on the boy’s head.
“What’s the occasion?” he asked after a moment.
“He let an ex-girlfriend get hold of his head,” I answered.
“Oh.” He paused and thought about it. “Well, I guess it’s better than jumpin’ off a cliff.” He wandered away.
Someday my son will bring home the girl he wants to marry…
Note to all men and boys: never, ever let your female friends have their way with your hair. It will be a disaster.
No matter what they say, they don’t know what they’re doing! I’ve fallen for this at least four times over the years. They say they color their own hair. “That last women who messed up your hair just didn’t know what she was doing, but I do!” Disaster.
The next woman: “That last woman didn’t know what she was doing, but I’ve been doing this for years, I do!” Disaster.
I’ve ended up with more crew cuts thanks to the women in my life who “know what they’re doing.”
That would be Lil’ Miss Mini-Marli (aged 6 1/2), and yes, she spent most of last night pointing and laughing as I did a re-dye.
matt_mcl, the pictures don’t really do justice to the intense vividity (I don’t care if it’s a word or not, I like it) of this haircolor. I’m talking about a shade of bright hot pinkish orange that would make Pennywise the Clown step back and say, “Whoa, dude, hang on…!” The re-dye was at his request (read: begging ensued) because he wasn’t expecting it to come out that bright. “Duh, son,” I said. “Your hair was blond!”
He still liked the idea of having red hair so we went with a dark burgundy permanent haircolor. I still don’t like it (I think it clashes with his eyebrows) but he seems happy with it. Happier than he was with the Evil Clown Hair, anyway.
Now he wants to know how long we have to wait before we can bleach it. sigh I should save time and just shave him bald now.
Once as a teenager my friends sister and her friend (the cute one) wanted to do my hair with some red gel. I said sure, because it WASHES OUT. Even at the batting of an eye by a really cute girl wouldn’t have made me do it in dye.
I went home and my Mom and my Aunt were on the patio having a some wine. Mom shrieked when she saw me, what have you done she exclaimed. I told her don’t worry it washes right out. Mother and Auntie then tried to rush me and push me into the pool. Two tipsy middle aged ladies getting frumpy about the waist were a little more bulk than a skinny teenager could push away from.
I did the next best thing and as the pushed me I reached around them both and dragged them over the side with me. HA!
When I stood up and turned around there was a really cool red streak in the water from the hair gel and two really pissed suddenly sober family members that never again said a word about my hair.
I think what a lot of folks in this thread don’t appreciate is how astoundingly horny teenage boys are. He got a teen hottie girl to mess with his head for a while and all he has to do is look silly, MAJOR SCORE!!!.
Ha! My little brother (16) gave himself a red mowhawk a few weeks ago (he did it a day or so before he shaved his head anyway). That was awesomely funny, especially because his girlfriend woldn’t even talk to him unless he had a hat on!
Hah! If this is the worst thing my kids ever do as teenagers then I’ll be ecstatic! Did she do this as revenge or something? And what did he get out of it?
It really doesn’t look that bad, and he could always just clip it all off or something. it would probably look better short, anyway. I’d still laugh at my kid if he did this, but I wouldn’t be too upset (at least in private) about it.
Actually, I love the colour. I’ve had my hair that colour before, and I’d love to do it again, if I didn’t have a job that required that I look “normal”. :rolleyes:
As well, if it’s anything like the dyes I’ve used, it would have washed out quickly, anyway. Especially if his hair was not bleached first.
His hair wasn’t bleached, but it was blond. It’s also curly, coarse, and thick, meaning it soaks up color like a sponge. One year I used black hairspray in his hair for Halloween; two weeks and about 50 shampoos later he still had sickly greenish-gray hair. If I’d left this stuff to wash out on its own, in three weeks he’d have looked like he was being attacked by a brain-eating zombie cotton-candy cone.
The pictures were taken at my mom’s house, BTW. Mom’s cat hissed at him and ran away when she saw him.
I’ve got no problem with him playing around with haircolor, jewelry, or anything else non-permanent. But what we had here - and he agrees with me - was an experiment gone horribly, horribly wrong. Funny, yes, but horribly, horribly wrong.