My Son Likes Squash, and Can You Stand Another Tattoo Thread?

Started my son on veggies today. He’s five months old, and he’s been doing quite well with the cereal for a few weeks now. Tried some squash today. He snarfled it. Loved it. Made it a total baby body experience, but he did actually eat more than he wore. Good sign.

And I’m getting a tattoo. Tomorrow. Something small & unobtrusive, down by my right ankle. I’ve always wanted one, but I’ve also always fought with myself about it (“it’ll still be there when I’m 90,” you know, that kind of stuff). My husband is, well, less than supportive of my decision. But I’m getting one anyway. Probably something celestial, like a little moon or a star, or both.

Or maybe I’ll get Guy Stuff Survivor…

This space blank, until Wally thinks up something cool to put here.

Goodluck Cristi! Let us know what you got and here is a bullet to bite on!

Yours truly,

Coincidentally, I gave my baby squash for the first time yesterday. I wouldn’t say he snarfled it, but he seemed to think it was okay. I love giving babies new stuff. There’s this little shudder that goes through them like “Whoaaa, this is INTENSE”–which is a pretty funny reaction to a spoonful of strained peas.

Squash? This is very close to child abuse. Blechhh!

The tattoo? Yeah, I guess. Howzabout a dragon on your butt, or maybe a picture of Jesus on your right breast.

Frankly, I don’t care what you do to your cute little bod, but stop torturing your child!

Cher, you’re starting one kid on veggies, and another in big-kid pants, at the same time as me?

:::hugs Cher:::

My sister! :slight_smile:

This space blank, until Wally thinks up something cool to put here.

No, Wally. No dragons, no Jesuses.

And as long as my son likes squash, I’ll feed it to him. I like squash, too. :slight_smile:

This space blank, until Wally thinks up something cool to put here.

Go for both Cristi… I love mine. Oh!! and squash too. That’s about the only thing I can cook… Comes in jars, huh? Might have to check that out. Don’t tell ChiefScott. He thinks I just eat out of cans…

Girlbysea (AKA: ChiefScott’s GBS)

my sister got a little chain of flowers going around her ankle…I thought it was cute…

Cristi, you are my long lost sin twister! I’ve wanted to get my right ankle tattooed for awhile, but am a wuss with pain. I want a scorpion, with the tail curling around the ankle. How about a moon with the stars circling the ankle? Let me know about the pain thing, and a toast to yer huevos!

The shortest measurable time is the time it took for Gerber spinach to enter and exit my son’s mouth. Can’t blame him.

And, I already have a moon and star tattoo. Just a note…the outlining is the most uncomfortable part. The coloring and shading ain’t bad.

Elelle: sin twister? I like that!

Rysdad: I personally like spinach, but the creamed, whirled stuff in the jars is distinctly unappealing. I’ll give my kids spinach when they’re old enough to eat the leafy stuff. As for the tattoo, I’ve been told the same thing, that it’s the outlining that hurts more. My friend Tina, who is going with me tomorrow, compared it to a cat scratch. One more thing in my favor is that I have given birth to three children. there’s pain, and then there’s pain. I think I can deal with it.

This space blank, until Wally thinks up something cool to put here.

So Jennifer Anniston, while easy on the eyes, is not regarded as a sublime comic actress. But there was a moment on Friends when she made me burst out laughing.

Rachel and Phoebe have gone to get tattoos. Rachel is reluctant, but egged on by Phoebe, she gets one. After they’re done, she shows hers to Phoebe and asks to see Phoebes. Phoebe squirms before admitting that she didn’t get one because they use needles to put them on…

“Needles! Did you know they use needles?”

And in perfect combination of ire and sarcasm, Rachel replies, “Really? You don’t say? Because mine was LICKED ON BY KITTENS!

Ok, maybe you had to be there. But it was really funny.

  • Rick


You could commemorate the latest milestone in your son’s life and get a squash tattoo.

elelle, I have a gecko on my right ankle, with the tail going all the way around, and curling around my inner ankle bone. That part hurt like crazy! But, I designed it myself, and I love it.

Cristi, I think elelles idea of a moon with stars going around your ankle sounds good. And don’t worry too much about hubby, mine wasn’t exactly thrilled with mine either, but he got over it, and kinda likes it now.

Please…rethink your decision on placement of the tattoo.

I’m in the process of getting my tattoo (it encircles my left ankle) removed. I thought it would be an innocuous (sp?) spot, but it can be seen through pantyhose…every color. Bad for business dinners and black-tie events. Everyone notices it…though usually they think it’s a bracelet.

Don’t get me wrong, I like tattoos. And I’m a 29 y.o. stay at home mom, so I don’t attend a whole hell of a lot of business dinners or formal events. BUT, there are enough events that I regret it.

I’d still like to get another, on my lower back, kind of following the lines of a thong. Sexy to the one you love (especially when he traces it with his tongue!), but hidden to those you need to impress in a different way.

Good luck with your choice, and I recommend Neomycin Plus (it has lidocaine…good for the pain) instead of bacitracin.

Oh, and congratulations on the squash! My 14 month old will only eat peas and corn. Makes for some really lovely diapers!


A woman needs four animals in her life: A mink in the closet, a Jaguar in the garage, a tiger in the bedroom, and an ass to pay for it all.
—Zsa Zsa Gabor

Mmmm-mmmm. Squash!

The best is the acorn squash when you bake it and put a little butter and maple syrup in the middle.

I love that.

Try it with some sausage. Get a tube of Bob Evans or something like that. Clean the squash and fill the pocket with the sausage. Put a couple inches of water in your broiler pan and turn the squash upside down on it so the grease drains out. Bake until the squash is done at 350 to 400. Remove sausage, scrape the squash from the rind and serve with plenty of butter and a bit of salt. It’s the easiest home-cooked meal possible and delicious.

UncleBeer: You have got to make that squash stuff for the Toledo meeting.

Well, I’ve got the tattoo. It’s about 4 inches up from my ankle. Just a blue crescent moon, and a star. A pentacle, actually. Looks good so far. The guy that did it told me the colors would brighten up in a little while. Then it will look really nice. I don’t think it’s even an inch high.

What surprised me most was how much it didn’t hurt. I was expecting worse. When he got done, all I could think was “that was it?” I didn’t flinch. I didn’t say ow. I didn’t even grit my teeth, fer cryin’ out loud. Kinda made me want to get another one, just so I could say I actually endured something. :wink:

Beatle: I like the squash idea. maybe if I ever decide to get another one…

This space blank, until Wally thinks up something cool to put here.

If it’s squash you want Cristi, it’s squash you’ll have. If I can find it at the grocery store, that is. It’s a bit out of season right now.

Winter squash? Winter squash is out of season? It’s WINTER, for god’s sake!

Winter squash = acorn, butternut, Hubbard, etc.

Now, SUMMER squash (zucchini, pattypan, crookneck, etc.) is a bit out of season, though it’s still pretty easy to find.
