Anger management cleanup in the break room, please. No, I can’t make this kinda stuff up-two women got into a scuffle and one ended up stabbed over who could use the microwave oven first. I hope they have more than one stall in the ladies room or this is gonna get worse.
That’s what happens when people aren’t allowed to have some good ol’ fashioned fist fights.
Isn’t Walgreens one of those places that gives you a personality test before you can be hired?
Sounds like someone didn’t learn that old “sharing” lesson in kindergarten. :rolleyes: Some people’s children…
I guess they got a little too steamed for their own good.
“no Soup For You!!”
Just imagine if it had been shish kebab instead of soup! :eek:
There’s a woman in my lunch who insists on leaving her soup to stand for one minute in the finished microwave, because that’s what the directions say. No, she can’t take it out and let it stand on top of the microwave. The directions say ‘let stand in microwave one minute.’ It doesn’t matter how many people might be waiting for the microwave.
I don’t think I would stab her, though, unless I was having a bad day already.
She sounds like she’d answer a hot iron when the phone rings. Tell her she’ll go to jail for removing the labels from her pillows.
so… neither of them got to use the microwave?!
it would only be worth the jail time and money if i got my soup heated and eaten before i was hauled off.
sitting here idly wondering if it was beef broth…
But … but … soup is good food!
But … but … soup is good food!
'cause you can’t put two soups in the microwave at once?!
Seriously, though, I heard of a guy who was put in jail for stabbing someone in a fight over who got to use the pump at the gas station first…I can’t say I am too shocked.