If you love the old Wally has cybersex thread, you’ll like this too! http://thatswack.virtualave.net/aolim01.htm
Y’know, MSK, there’s a really good place to submit this Weird Earl to: ABTM.
Alrighty then, Mod, um, excuse me, could you please move this to ATMB if that’s where it goes? Thanks.
Actually, take a look there, yourself, and you’ll see that there’s 4 page thread called Weird Earl’s. No need to create a duplicate thread there, right?
But, closing this one is a damn good idea.
Another way to submit to Weird Earl’s is to email TubaDiva.
MSK submitted this for Weird Earl but in our judgement it’s not really what we’re looking for.
I’m closing this thread. For the record, please email all Weird Earl and Threadspotting nominations to TubaDiva@aol.com.
your humble TubaDiva