I don’t think this would be classed as a spoiler since it is base don no prior knowledge that isn’t given in Episodes 1 and 2. This is only my theory as to how Darth Vader will come to be in the new movie due out next year. I just want to write it somewhere now so I can check back later and see how wrong (or right) I was.
Here’s what I think will happen:
Remember back to Episode 1 (I know it hurts, but stick with me here). There was a small story element brought in that was never resolved or mentioned again. Anakin tells about the life of a slave on Tatooine. He says that slaves have a chip implanted in their skin that can be detonated to explode the slave should they try to escape. Anakin is then “won” by Gui Gon and Obi Wan and taken off the planet. They never mention this ‘chip’ again.
I think, once Anakin gets out of control, in a desperate attempt to destroy him a Jedi hero will detonate his chip, severely damaging his body to the point where he requires the machinery that keeps him alive as Darth Vader.
I also suspect that Samuel Jackson will be the Jedi to detonate the chip since he’s in the films but hasn’t actually done anything yet. I think there’s more in store for him, and this may be his purpose. It can’t be Obi Wan, cause that would make Obi Wan in Episode 4 a total liar. He mislead Luke as to his Father’s demise, but if he played a major role in destroying Anakin and didn’t say anything, it affects his character (not that changing things later has been a problem for George Lucas, but that’s another thread).
On the bonus disc of the new Star Wars DVDs it shows Anakin and Obi Wan fighting each other, and Lucas talking about how they have to fight each other as Anakin turns, resulting in, as edwino says, Anakin falling or being knocked into a volcano or other hot substance, possibly the Minestrone Cup-a-Soup I had the other day that burned my tongue.
Search for a thread on ‘A question about Darth Vader’, thats got links all over it to how the transformation occurs.
Except kill Jango Fett, which was better than Obiwan fared against him.
As for the chip idea, it’s interesting, but I always assumed they removed it “offscreen”. The last thing Episode 1 needed was a fascinating surgery scene.
The Lava pit thing goes way back to the ROTJ novelisation, if not before. It’s ingrained in a lot of fanboy minds. It was Lucas’s original idea, not something a novelist made up (like Boba Fett’s origin). I would be very surprised if it wasn’t incorporated somehow.
I could see a fight above a volcano that looks like the final fight from Empire.
Obi Wan gets the upper hand in the fight and Anakin loses his light saber.
Anakin is hanging on with one hand. Obi Wan reaches out his hand and says “come back to the good side”. Anakin says “I’ll never join you!” and lets himself fall into the volcano scaring him for life.
Who knows? Maybe Obi Wan will reveal that he’s Anakins father??
How 'bout Yoda? Will it be revealed why he’s hiding out / banished to Dagobah??
He will bear a lifetime fear of those tiny little pasta rings. To cover it, he will scream “Who’s your Daddy? Who’s your Daddy?” when soup is served in the cafeteria.
What about C3PO’s memory. Shouldn’t it be erased at some point? Many people want to go nuts about Obi Wan not recognizing R2D2. But, come on, R2 was just another droid to him. He DIDN"T own R2. R2 was Amidala’s robot. In episode 1 and 2, Obi Wan hardly has any contact with R2 at all. He walks around with him a little on Tatooine, but probably no more time then he’s spent with any random droids. His statements in Episode iv don’t break continuity. I don’t know so many people see it as a problem.
And R2’s memory doesn’t need to be erased. He seems to know where he’s going in Episode 4, so that makes sense.
But 3PO? He is going to need his memory wiped, don’t you think.
Jackson has hinted as much. IIRC, he was on Letterman after filming his throw down. He didn’t give details, but he’d told Lucas he didn’t want to die by being ambushed out a dark alley, but instead he wanted to die fighting.
Which would be what, every day? I mean, what else is he going to be able to eat through those little slits in his mask? And if Darth Vader is eating soup, you had better believe that everyone else in the Death Star Cafeteria is going to be eating soup, too!
And I agree with Bear_Nenno, both that C3PO needs a mindwipe, and that R2D2 doesn’t.
i think the volcano/molten pit thing is a rumour vader started. it is hard to be feared as a dark lord of sith if it is known that there was a “minestrone incident.”
you scoop the soup away from you, anakin, away! how many times do i have to tell you!!! you will do yourself an injury someday…
What I want to know is how R2 & C3PO managed to maintain their domestic partnership all those years? Can droids develop pair bonds that are respected by their owners?
What will the Future Religious Right think of android-robot marriage? I’m thinking machines will have to go to Tatooine to have their relationships recognized legally.