My wife is a real knitter and I'm wearing the proof

My wife has enjoyed knitting for some time now. She’s fairly new to it–probably only been doing it for the last three years at the most. But this Christmas, she surprised me.

As far as I’ve known, she’s been working on a variety of small and simple projects–scarves and such, and a few more challenging things that she’s been encouraged to do by her knitting group that meets weekly. I had no idea she was working on a much bigger challenge. Until this morning.

I opened my gift from her to me, and found a handmade sweater! It was made by her, and is just right; the fit is perfect. She has been working on it secretly since last summer, and I had no clue. She even sewed a small heart-shaped button into it, to let me know that it was made with love. I’ve been wearing it all day, and have found it to be warm and comfortable. I’m very pleased with my new sweater–thank you, my Luv!

Aww, that’s so sweet!! How fabulous!!

Now where’s the picture to prove it?! :wink:

You’re welcome! :wink:

Awwww. :slight_smile: How excellent.

Please post a picture!

You’re also proving the wearing.

Squee! My one attempt at a sweater…didn’t quite turn out right. I’ve stuck to scarves since. Take pride in your talented wife.

I knit a sweater for myself that I still wear - it’s not fantastically pretty, but it is warm and solid. I’m sure yours is much nicer, Spoons. Good job, Deborah!

very cool!!! a wooly hug.

Nothing in this world feels more warm and cosy than something knitted for you by someone who loves you.

A man who is HAPPY to be knitted for and WEARS the result?

I want one.

Okay, we’ve got some photos. My wife documented the project on our camera, and it appears she had a little help.

First, the yarn had to be wound–Fiona, Annie, and Tigger supervise. Annie, ever the perfectionist, has to quality-check this stage of the proceedings.

Then, Fiona got involved for the more detailed work. Here, she listens carefully to my wife’s instructions; and here, she puts those instructions to work. Finally, it’s time to kick back and enjoy a job well done.

And it is well done indeed. Here is the finshed product, modelled by yours truly!

Oh wow! What a great picture! Thanks for posting it. And what a wonderful job she did!

Those stitches are so even and the fit is wonderful. I really like how the ribbing tapers so well. Deborah, great job!

Aww. Cats. :slight_smile:

Nice sweater, Spoons! Nice work, Abraca Deborah!

Hi. One of my best friends knitted me a Doctor Who scarf. It’s the first thing he’s ever knitted. It was also one of the most unexpected presents I’ve ever gotten; when his wife mentioned that he was making me something, I thought she meant in the machine shop! (In the picture, the scarf is 95% finished. He just needs to add a few more colour bands and put tassels on the ends.)

We’re Canadian. We like warm things next to us. Cats… dogs… knitted things… girlfriends…

Love the sweater - your wife (and kitties) did a great job!

If that’s a Dr. Who scarf, I’d say it’s about 50% finished. :smiley:

That is truly a nice sweater. My stitches never come out that evenly (I have some tension problems - I’ve snapped more than one knitting needle while knitting). Having cats helping while knitting is part of the fun - I especially like it when they start trying to gnaw on the moving end of the needles. And no garment is complete without tons of cat hair knitted in.

Beautiful! Thank you for posting the picture of her work!

Squee for kitties, and squee for the lovely sweater and both the knitter and the wearer!

I’m very impressed by that sweater. Mine never seem to come out right.

Also, your wife picked an excellent color to hide all that cat hair!