My Wife Wants New Breasts (What Kind Is The Best?)

Ever since she has lost her weight she has also loss her breast. What kind of boob job is the safest now and feels the most natual(don’t like the hard ones)? Also what is a good price for them and recovery time(so I can use them ;))? Also do they(docs) finance them? It would be so fun to write “boobs” in the memo line of may payment check. :smiley:

You might want to write “Boob job.” “Boobs” makes it sound like you, ah, rented someone. :slight_smile:

I think the only ones they sell now are saline implant. Silicone was banned due to what was, basically, mass hysteria.

Thanks rickjay.

I was going to say “boob job” but I was trying to be nice(imagine that huh?) What about soybean ones?

You mean they make 'em out of tofu now?!?

Here ya go, Bill.

Everything you ever wanted to know about breast implants.


If they’re made from Tofu now, be sure to get the “silky” style

Thanks for the link ENugent. And don’t laugh at me. My ole lady told me about the soybeans. I am totally ignorant on breast(well except that they feed babies and that I like’em alot) :smiley: .

Everyone! Everyone! Soylent Boobs… there made from PEOPLE!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Actually, that’s not a bad idea! Seriously! I’ve always found the texture of tofu to be somehow erotic, and now I think you’ve identified the ‘somehow.’

You’d need to add or do something to the bean curd to stabilize it, but damn - that’s a good idea.


Just sure you look me up like the dude did Steve Martin in the Jerk and give me my half. :smiley: ::wildest bill thinking to himself, “did I just refer to myself as a jerk?”:::

If you could somehow develop soy implants that lactated, would you get soy milk? That would really be handy if your newborn was lactose intolerant.

Think I’ll call a patent lawyer…

That link is out of order. Just as well, cause they aren’t too keen on breast links here.

WB you can check that URL I gave for the “breast test” & select the set that works for ya :slight_smile:

Soy based implants are real, but might not be a good idea.