Implants a Bust?

Until recently it appeared to me that so many adult movie actresses,playmates and penthouse models had blown up breast implants which were supposed to enhance their appearance.

Now it seems that breasts without implants are the In Thing. I happen to favor the latter group.

Question: Are the balloon implant females rushing in large numbers to have the implants removed or is there a great reluctance to make changes? Are these women finding it more difficult to find work now then before?

Well, there’s the little problem that if you remove a bust implant you wind up with a breast that looks somewhat like a deflated balloon (and that’s a good result). I suppose you could have further surgery (maybe at the same time) to tighten up the loose skin, sort of a titty lift, but the results are going to involve some scarring. At which point the women probably won’t be noticeably different from the unaltered women with clothes on, but I’d think topless work would be out of the question without major makeup and/or airbrushing. In which case, why would anyone bother when there are unaltered women available in large numbers, with the added bonus of being younger and less well known and so willing to work for less money?

So I’d think the ones with enhanced breasts would probably be best to stick with what they have and hope their bustline comes back into demand

I’m not sure what you mean by “balloon” breast implants. The word “balloon” would seem to imply “air-filled”, “inflated”. All breast implants available today are filled with either silicone gel or saline, or a combination.

There are several reasons many women are having their breast implants removed. One is a fear of an increased risk of breast cancer. Another is the problem with silicone implants of “gel bleed” and the resulting collapse of the capsule.

If you do know a porn actress who’s having her implants removed, I don’t think it’s because she thinks she might be able to get more work with smaller breasts. I seriously doubt whether a porn actress would EVER be told, “Sorry, honey, your tits are too big.”

Don’t watch much kiddie porn do ya?:slight_smile:

Duck Duck Goose: Ballooned out implants are the large swollen inflated-appearing breasts which no longer have a natural movement when the female is jogging, walking or running. In my opinion they look horrible and I’m well aware of the fact that women may elect to have saline (preferable to silicone implants) replace the ballooned out ones. This makes the breasts appear more natural.

Not even mildly amusing. Adults involved in the kiddie porn industry should be shot point blank.

By the way, I would challenge the OP’s premise. Breast enhancement or augmentation surgery is, um, booming. The new trend is to go with more naturally contoured implants, so that the post-surgical breasts “sag” just a little and don’t look so unnatural. Also, a new surgical process allows the uninflated implants to be inserted through the navel, slid up through the abdomen, into the chest wall, positioned into place under the muscle, and then filled with either saline or gel.


Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. I am in agreement that breast enhancement is still in demand but as you say, softer contours. But it is the hard, non sloping breasts that I’m referring to. There are countless numbers of women that had their breasts augmented in this fashion. This PARTICULAR type is in general no longer fashionable.But so many models and actresses who have these swollen balloons are faced with the trend that softer, sloping breasts are now in vogue. What are they doing about it? if anything at all. I was hoping to hear from someone in the industry who has the old implants.

Sorry to nitpick but this seems to be a common misconception.


What feels and moves more like a real breast? A balloon
filled with Jello or a balloon filled with water?

As soon as doctors start offering silicone again a lot of women are going to be replacing their salines.


What feels and moves more like a real breast? A balloon
filled with Jello or a balloon filled with water?


Sorry to nitpick myself, but there is a significant amount of difference in how natural breasts feel–from very firm to saggy feeling. Even among younger women.

Sorry to nitpick myself, but there is a significant amount of difference in how natural breasts feel–from very firm to saggy feeling. Even among younger women. **

But I think that we can agree that when a woman is looking to enhance that area they are looking to a particular “ideal” (whatever that means) and that ideal usually isn’t saggy breasts. Even so I still think that not many natural breasts feel like a bag full of water (even saggy ones). Thanks to a massive tumor that I had to have removed from one of my breasts I have one firm and one not so firm boobs and both feel more like Jello than like water.

As to the OP I think that no matter what the current trend is “balloon implants” will remain popular. You wouldn’t believe the amount of women I have seen on breast implant message boards who say they actually want the fake look. I also think that regardless of what’s in style a lot of men will always like the look…enough so that you don’t have to worry about the 38DDD stripper losing her job.