My window won't close and it's getting cold!

Last week I had a party where it got a little warm in the house. Not wanting to turn on the air conditioner in December we decided to open some windows. Unfortunately, when we raised one of the windows it made a loud noise (like a spring losing tension) and then the window wouldn’t stay up anymore. It also won’t close, something on the side of the window keeps it from going all the way down. It looks as though it has gone off track somehow. I’m fairly handy about fixing things around the house and would like to fix the window, but I don’t know enough terminology to effectively search through google. So I turn to you, have you ever fixed a similar problem with windows? Do you have any suggestions on where I could find instructions to fix this before it really gets cold outside?

Does the window have a brand name?

There are many diferent types and styles of windows. If you could post a picture I could begin to help. This is what I do for a liveing.

Turn on your PM option and I’ll send you my phone number.

Oh well. Good nite I’ll check in tomorow.

If it’s off it’s track you’ll have to realign it. Perhaps you need to lubricate the rails?

If it’s an older window, I’d suspect the supporting rope in one of the side pockets broke so that the weight is no longer attached. That’s why it won’t stay up because the one counterweight left isn’t enough to hold it open. I’[m not sure why it won’t go down all the way, but it may simply be binding as it’s no longer lowering straight with only a single weight supporting it.

If it is a weight detached, you’ll have to remove the piece of molding that hold the window in place and open the weight pocket. The little door to the weight pocket may be visible or if may be behind a flat piece of metal running the length of the window’s track.

From the sound it made I beleve that it’s an aluminum window with channel balances. And the spring broke on one side. The other spring has racked the sash, jaming it in place.

I have an awning window that is broken and won’t close all the way, I fixed it with duct tape* but I don’t suppose that would work for this type of window.

*I am not Red Green but duct tape is wonderful.

Thanks for the responses so far! I was Christmas shopping last night and didn’t have a chance to log on. I’ll post a picture of the window this afternoon when I get home.

I thought “if it doesn’t move but should, WD40” and “if it moves but shouldn’t, duct tape”. Right?

To add a little more information - the house is only about 7 years old and the windows are aluminum. I live in the south so the windows aren’t really solid.

Glazer - thanks for responding! I’ll turn PM on.

jujuju - that’s pretty much my rule too!

PM sent. You can call me today or tomorow.

Just wanted to say I think that you offering to help someone over the phone to fix their problem is really cool.

Merry Christmas, Glazer.