I’ve mentioned the old BBC progams “My Word!” and “My Music” before. I have recently found http://www.publicradiofan.com, which lists programs available on Internet feeds for most NPR stations, BBC radio, CBC radio, and a few others thrown in. “My Word!” and “My Music” reruns can be heard a number of times on weekends, so there’s no excuse for not listening! Here are the descriptions from the Australian Broadcasting Corp. (which is airing them but doesn’t have an Internet feed).
“My Word”
Classic BBC panel game, with well-known comic writers, Dennis Norden and Frank Muir. They team up with guest panellists and get down to some heavy word play. They define, derive and delineate their way through the English language. [I’ll add there’s wit aplenty and a few puns. The show always ended with two stories. Panelists Frank Muir and Denis Norden would each get a famous saying a few days in advance, and they had to compose a story ending with a punny version of the saying. There were a few book compilations of their stories.]
“My Music”
This Classic BBC panel game, with well-known comic writers Dennis Norden and Frank Muir. They team up with partners and hum, sing and identify their way through the world of music. [If you liked “My Word”, you’ll like this show.]