Mystery Homemade Hooch: Should I Drink It?

My husband won’t eat at potlucks - won’t even go to them, if he can avoid them - because he can’t be sure he’ll like anything there. If he does go, he’ll take his own food or eat beforehand, and just socialise. He doesn’t like to try new foods, in case they don’t taste good to him.

I accept this, though I’ve never understood it. I’ll try nearly anything once. I’d personally taste the homemade “Baileys”. Probably after mailing to the whole group “Thanks to whoever sent me the Bailey’s. I’ll be sharing a cup of it with anybody who comes by.” It’s highly unlikely that it’s been spiked with bodily substances, and even if it were, the alcohol would probably kill any bad germs.

This Christmas I am giving my in-laws a bottle of Atholl Brose:

3/4 C fine (steel-cut) oatmeal
1 C warm water
2 tsp honey
1/2 C Drambuie
1/2 C thick pure cream

Soak the oatmeal in the water for 1/2 hour, then drain through first a coarse, then a fine strainer (cheesecloth works for this) to get out the solid bits. Discard oatmeal, retain water. Add Drambuie, honey, and cream, whisk until combined. Pour into sterilized jars or bottles. Shake well. Store sealed in a cool dark cupboard. Shake well before using.

Not difficult. The mouthfeel is a big mealy and odd, but it’s very tasty. I hope my in-laws will enjoy it. If they don’t, well, there’s the rest of the bottle of Drambuie. :smiley: