Tonight, I saw “The Simpsons” episode, “Dial ‘N’ For Nerder,” where at the end they had a version of the introduction to NBC’s “Mystery Movie” from the '70s. It brought up something I always wanted to know from wayback when, what is that whistling instrument?
There’s also the possibility that it’s a theremin, which was used in the original The Day The Earth Stood Still as well as many old sci-fi movies from the 50’s and 60’s.
The comments in that YouTube clip suggest that at least one viewer had the same idea.
However, this particular sound is less theremin-electronic and more Moog-musical to my ear, so I won’t push the theremin answer. Just mention it.
True on the handle. Zeldar was a charatcer I made up for a short story long ago on the Commodore BBS we had locally.
I seem to recall that the theremin is in a class of its own among musical instruments. Where you can put reed instruments together, and brass and percussion and even keyboard, along with other categories with more than one instrument that fits the category, theremin is all alone.
Your basic “air instrument” like “air guitar” and whatever. It may have been a Wiki article on instrument categories, but I’d have to go check, and I’d rather not.
Here is the theme in the original context, the opening credits of the Mystery Movie, this would always freak me out when I was a kid, the ominous man in black coming to get me. And most appropriate it is an episode of Columbo.
Take a look here and the sound is almost identical to the instrument in the theme. The Ondes Martenot is more tuneable than a theremin and thus the clear melody.
Here’s a performance where the fine control of the note via a ring attached to a cable helps control the pitch.