Ice Hockey
Ultimate Frisby
need 2 more
Ice Hockey
Ultimate Frisby
need 2 more
butterfly hunting
Gladiator combat (one gets a sword and shield, one gets a trident and a net)
Olympic Lunatic Capture
I have fluid around my ankle from when I sprained it and it wont go away. It was sprained over 3 months ago…
OK ignore this, supposed to be a new thread!
Discus and hammer throwing
(though the wire mesh fence around the back of the throwing circle is usually referred to as a cage)
It’s not a net. And it’s just for safety.
Tennis (can’t believe you got Badminton and not this one).
Doh! Maybe I should actually read the OP first, huh?
Did you miss the “but no ball” part?
Um… ignore the sarcastic comment…
Internet chess.
… and “Ultimate Frisby” is a sport? :rolleyes:
… add also deck tennis
I am not sure Badminton matches the definition. Although the thing is called a “shuttle” in English and not a “ball”, historically it is a ball with feathers (although today it’s only a hemisphere), and other languages use variants of their words for “ball” to describe the shuttle.
I would let the shuttle count as ball. Even a football (American version) is called a ball.
How about tightrope walking and the flying trapeze?
Oh, somebody already said that. Sorry.
Trapeze gliding.
Mickey Mouseketeering. [sub]Hey, that Funicello chick’s ‘a net’.[/sub]
Fishing’s been done.
Hockey’s been done.
Um, Power Stockbroking? [sub]From ‘gross’ to ‘net’[/sub]?
. . . and, I’m spent.
Damn. Shib, ya beat me.