Name Change

Just to let you all know, it’s still me. I mean, it’s still I.

I had used “CKDextHavn” from the days when AOL limited me to ten letters. Since those restrictions are no longer meaningful, I have now expanded to my full name, and henceforth will show up as “C K Dexter Haven” … No biggie, but gets away from the damn Calvin Klein logo.

Allow me to be the first to ask, did you have some sort of obsession with this?

My first thought was that some troll was trying to pull one over on us. But I guess not very many trolls are Administrators with almost 3,000 posts.

So your name is Dexter Haven.

and the C K stands for Calvin Klein??


Better get used to disappontment, C K…I changed my name months ago from “MaxTorque” to the current “Max Torque”. I’d only registered under the original because I didn’t know if spaces in user names were acceptable.

People still call me by the smashed-together version. sigh. Just plain “Max” is fine with me, really…

Don’t feel too bad, Max. People still put the _ in my name.

I’ve been Montfort online for five-plus years, and people here still call me Monfort, Monford, Montford, and (my favourite, courtesy of Welfy) Montfont.

Dex - didn’t you briefly do this same change back near the beginning of the year? Or did I imagine that?

I guess I never really associated Calvin Klein with your name before.

But now, I’m associating your name with those crappy DEXTER shoes. You know, those cheap-ass docksider type shoes that always leaked and then stank like hell?

Your shoes leak!?

What are doing, drinking sparkling wine out of them? Or
are you just more “runny” than the rest of us? In which
case, may I suggest you try rubber boots. Those ought to
keep your precious bodily fluids off the carpet.

  • jam :slight_smile:

You can put spaces in your username?

Darn, if only I’d known… :smiley:

yes you can put spaces in your username, but I’m sure it took Dext an eternity to decide where to but them…

It just doesn’t look right. Dammit, doesn’t anybody care about tradition anymore?

yes. you can put spaces in your name, since June 20th 2000 anyhow

Actually the C.K. is there due to an advertising contract the Chicago Reader has with Calvin Klein. Due to other contracts, next month we should start seeing “Chronos by Timex” and “UncleBuschBeer”.


I’ve gotta go with MysterEyks on the “it just doesn’t look right” thing. I mean, I knew who you were when I saw the “C K Dexter Haven,” but it just made me feel vaguely uneasy somehow. I think it’s because now there’s just too many spaces.

Doesn’t everybody just call you “Dex,” anyway?
[sub]…these opinions are, of course, coming from someone who has absolutely no room whatsoever to talk about anyone else’s name change…[/sub]