What’s it called when someone gets defensive when someone contradicts them in any way, because they can’t admit to a fault?
What’s it called when someone sets up another person just to have an excuse to be angry with them? For example, deliberately talking inaudibly and then yelling when the person doesn’t respond. Also, claiming a person does or says certain things they’ve never done in their life, then acting exasperated when they say otherwise.
The second one looks kind of passive aggressive to me, but I’m not sure.
Neither is the least bit passive-aggressive. That’s basically “not doing something that’s expected of you as an attack on the person expecting it.”
I don’t think there’s a name for either of those problems, exactly. It depends on whether the person in question is putting on an act, or really thinks that the behavior is correct and logical. If I get angry because I can’t stand being contradicted, even though I know I’m wrong, that’s different from getting angry because I can’t stand being wrong.
“Getting defensive” is already a behavioral analysis on its own, not an observation – did the person get angry, or just contradict the contradiction, did she start justifying herself, did he accuse you of conspiring against him? What’s the actual behavior?