I will go with this unbelievable version at the Grand Old Opry with Marcus King’s “Goodbye Carolina”. If ya’ll like blues, and you’ve never heard this, you’re doing yourself a disservice. This cat is legit.
This song makes me weep for no good reason. It’s such an utterance of loss and goodbyes. I love it.
ETA: oops, I missed the “last 20 years” part. But hey, it’s a nice live version, cut it some slack. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a capo so high up on a guitar neck before.
Trent Reznor, who composed the song originally for his band ‘Nine Inch Nails’ said about Cash’s cover version “I pop the video in, and wow… Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps… Wow. [I felt like] I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn’t mine anymore… It really made me think about how powerful music is as a medium and art form. I wrote some words and music in my bedroom as a way of staying sane, about a bleak and desperate place I was in, totally isolated and alone. [Somehow] that winds up reinterpreted by a music legend from a radically different era/genre and still retains sincerity and meaning – different, but every bit as pure.”
The Fray, “How to Save a Life”. Not so much because of the song itself, but because I always associate that song with one of the most emotional scenes from Scrubs.
Sometimes I feel the ocean in my blood See rain from the sky above Her salt brined tears And now Those tears leave a taste on my tongue Like the warm rush you get from Black opium Black opium