Name these two movies from the 80's

I saw only a part of these two comedy movies on cable TV back around 1988 and made a note to someday find out the titles and see them in their entirety. Can you name either film?

Movie #1
Two guys, perhaps in their twenties (and I believe are Canadian), take a baby mouse and put it in a soda bottle with the intent of feeding it until it is too big to get out through the bottle neck. Then they have some scheme aimed (I think) at getting money from the soda manufacturer… I only saw the beginning, but I recall that the dialogue was pretty funny. Also, I think it was an MGM release, because there is a real lion in the beginning of the film and these guys play with its tail.

Movie #2
I only saw the last scene of this movie, in which a hapless teen boy is watching television alone when a woman on the screen appears to be seducing him. As he begins to fantasize about being with the woman, her angry husband storms onto the television screen and starts threatening the boy. When the angry man is on the verge of violence, a team of cops burst into the room on the television. Suddenly, the boy finds himself surrounded by real police who have stormed into his room and drag him off. I think this scene was followed by the credits…

I’ve recently been watching over 100 videos a year and enjoy all genres, so I’m surprised I haven’t run across either of these movies again during the past 15 years, but in this case I don’t know any of the actors or even part of the titles. How about any of my fellow dopers?

#1 is Strange Brew. Bob and Doug McKenzie. A family favorite. IMDB page.

No idea on #2.

Movie #1 sounds like “Strange Brew” (IMDb Entry) the SCTV spinoff movie featuring the Mackenzie Brothers, Bob and Doug. (Portrayed by Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis.) They were two guys, presumably in their twenties (the Mackenzie brothers were kinda ageless thanks to their goofiness) and I kind of recall the lion thing. The bottle in Strange Brew, however, held beer, not soda.

Cool trivia for those who didn’t know – Strange Brew was a retake on “Hamlet” with Bob & Doug in the Rosenkrantz & Guildenstern roles. Didn’t know that, didja, ya hoser? Take off!

Strange Brew is the greatest movie ever made! Citizen Kane can’t carry SB’s tuke!

The lion scene happens, naturally, at the very beginning of the movie. The lion is drunk and won’t roar. The boys try cranking his tail to get him to start (like the old cars you had to crank start), but the lion belches instead.

Many great lines: “No point in steering now, eh?”, “If I didn’t have puke breath, I’d kiss you”, “Somebody horked our clothes!”, “Doug broke your beer!”

…oh I can go on and on…

That second scene is from Amazon Women On The Moon. I only recognise it as it was on cable here the other week.

If you’re looking in a video store you should note that the full title is “The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew”.

I’ve seen it alphabetized under “A” as often as “S”.

Thank you for your quick answers! Actually, I have heard of “Strange Brew” by title, but now I will certainly make a point of watching it, as well as “Amazon Women”.

Amazon Women is only so-so. It’s got its moments, but its mostly a tepid rip-off of the vastly superior Kentucky Fried Movie. If you find the first vaguely amusing, you’ll likely bust a gut laughing at the second.

Amazon Women On the Moon is a very funny film indeed, consisting of shorter segments loosely connected (or not at all). The sketch in question features Andrew “Dice” Clay as the angry husband and a cameo by Russ Meyer (!).

Arsenio Hall also does an amusing bit of slapstick involving somebody who keeps phoning him and asking for “Thelma” (IIRC). If you like AWOTM, you should also see its predecessor “Kentucky Fried Movie” (although much of the latter part of that one is taken up by a long “Enter the Dragon” parody).

[On preview] Hey! Waddaya mean it’s “so-so”? Piffle.

And remember: it’s not too late to send in your donations to help Don “No Soul” Simmons…

“This album comes with…[fanfare]BIG JIM SLADE!!![/FANFARE]”

#2 is Amazon Women on the Moon, but the guy isn’t a teenager. The rest of the movie is great too.

It’s just like Kentucky Fried Movie.

ETA: sorry, I answered before reading more than the first reply. I sound like a parrot!

I love the first part of Strange Brew, the sci/fi part.

“Fleshy headed mutant, are you friendly?”
“No way eh, radiation has turned me into an enemy of civilization”

Other great lines…

“It’s in the Canadian Criminal Code eh!”

“Do you feel something warm?”
“I don’t feel anything!”

And yes, I knew it was Hamlet. I think the Elsinor castle part gave it away.