My wife found a lovely, if probably generic, watercolor landscape in an antique shop on our current vacation. We’re curious if the ever-amazing dopers can help us figure out any of it’s backstory. If it helps any, the shop where it was lurking is in Kingston, NY.
Here’s the painting: Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life
And here’s the signature: Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life
Any idea who the artist might be? Where the scene is?
No ideas? I expect it’s probably an obscure local artist, but we were hoping somebody might recognize the monogram…
This website might help..
Could the signature be a very stylized JOS?
Thanks- didn’t find it there. We’re leaning toward “FSG” as the initials; but of course have no idea what order they’d be in.
This collection of artist signatures has a couple of close results, but you need an account to look up the details.
There are a number of reference works on artist’s signatures and monographs that would probably be available at your public library, or, better yet, a museum library, but the sites online are all pay, AFAIK.