This is a variant on a poll that I’ve given to students before and was curious how Dopers would answer. (Some questions I either didn’t ask students at all or phrased differently.) Feel very free to add additional “name three” questions.
-Your favorite movies
-Your favorite works of art (visual)
-Your favorite novels
-Your favorite works of non-fiction (for these purposes, religious and political works will count as non-fiction without need for debate or clarification)
-Your favorite authors who did not write one of the above books or novels
-Your favorite television shows that are currently on the air
-Your favorite television shows that are no longer on the air
-The favorite places you have been
-The places you have not been but would very much like to go
-The actors/actresses (whichever one’s appropriate for your interest) you find smokin’ sexy
-Your favorite songs (i.e. music & lyrics)
-Your favorite instrumentals (i.e. music, no lyrics)
-Your favorite famous people who are not entertainers (a scientist or politician who’s done a SIMPSONS voiceover or cameo in a movie counts for this)
-Your favorite magazines
-The historical periods you would most like to visit (with all vaccinations, cash, and an emergency escape hatch of course, but with no ability to change history)
Enough for now, but feel free to add more. My answers separately.