Nat'l Geographic Lion-cub url


Can anyone help me (and mum) locate a url for a prize-winning National Geographic photo of a mother lion and her cub? The lion is ‘meatloafed’ (you know how cats to that) with the cub sitting up on her back, one paw wrapped around its mum’s neck as if hugging her, and both are facing off to the viewer’s right.

It was apparently a prize winning photo, voted by National Geographic readers, and mum had it for a couple of years as wallpaper for her comp (in fact NG’s site had it available for wallpaper; I have been all over their site and cannot find it).

Have been looking for a few days for her, ever since she booted up the other morning and discovered her granddaughter (my niece) took it upon herself to delete the wallpaper and install a photo she thought was much better. Kids, here’s a tip, don’ t mess with someone else’s comp settings, not even your nice gran’s. Cos you muck about with her lion picture, and she goes from Queen Mum to Margaret Hamilton in full regalia, and I have to bear the slack.

I have searched all the files in mum’s computer and have found a lot of things (all handiwork of this kid, ranging from :eek: to :confused: to :mad: – mum and I share an AOL account off her computer, and now she knows why I keep my persona/user name password secured – at 15 my niece ought to know better than the stuff she was doing! But that’s another story) – but no lion pictures.

If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated, and then I can first restore mum’s wallpaper (priorities, you see) and then start shovelling out the 6 bajillion .jpgs and .gifs this kid has downloaded not once, not twice, but up to as many as 7 times each…


I don’t have a clue what “meatloafed” is, but is this it? the second one down?

Is this it?

Selkie – YES!! Gosh, thanks!

percypercy – those are the ones we found on the site; I liked that one, but mum insisted on the one that Selkie found.

OOOOHHHH – the photographer is called Iwago! All mum could remember was ‘Igo’ – no wonder I couldn’t find it :smack:
‘Meatloafed’ is when the cat sits with all its feet tucked under; then of course there’s the ‘Sphinx meatloaf’ when the front feet are sticking straight out. That’s the word we always used; maybe it’s just in my family?

Then there’s when cats are ‘playing the cello’ – usually exclusively when the vicar comes round for tea…

Anyway – gosh thanks for the fast responses; I will note the URL location on my computer as well in case of further misadventures.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Ah, got it. That’s a great picture!

Brilliant! 1000 words and all that.


Quickie follow up – mum says thanks; just got her down the wire, and she is extremely well pleased.


Not that it’s anyone’s business, but what was the niece’s replacement photo? This week’s boy band?


Partly it was the subject matter, partly it was the contrast in colour from the original – you can see in the nice link above it’s a peaceful golden afternoon with the lion family…imagine booting up your comp and expecting this lovely golden-green vision on the screen…and instead


I hadn’t known about the change when I was down to mum’s house yesterday, and I haven’t reacted like that since the first time I saw Mr John Hurt go through the miracle of childbirth in that fine big screen doco Alien.

In the middle of this pulsating background is a tiny thumbnail of a schnauzer.

Why? Not a clue, nor do I want to plumb those depths. :stuck_out_tongue:

In my family the “meatloaf” was called the “stuffed turkey”. One cat in particular used this as her sulking position, the flurry of “oven ready” jokes did nothing to improve her mood :wink:

For some reason meatloafed cats just irks my dad…there was just something about them retracting their feet…he would always give the cat a slight poke with his toe, so that she would roll over, and her feet pop back out.

I do remember once my brother, who would ‘speak’ for the cat (all the animals have voices, of course), noticed our cat was not only meatloafed, but had this smug expression on her face, and he channeled for her, ‘Laugh, but in a billion years, I will have moved an inch.’

Cat tectonics, I suppose…