Nature of Moroccan Porn

Saw this:

And I also recall that I read that in Italy there was some Moroccan porn sold that had on the cover a donkey and a “confused looking boy”. So does Moroccan porn much as say Japanese porn involved tentacle rape involve donkeys and boys?

(Not sure how to title this: feel free to retitle).

To spare your virgin eyes, I googled “moroccan porn” with safe search off. It all seemed to be average porn except starring (supposedly?) Moroccan girls. FYI a lot of the links were red or yellow in Web of Trust so…use your best judgement.

Coward. I went all in and googled ’ “Moroccan Porn” donkey’. I didn’t see anything that suggested it was a “thing” either (the first result was this thread though, so we might look forward to getting some interesting new board members in the next few weeks).

As a practical matter, while Morocco is pretty liberal compared other Arab states, they aren’t that liberal. I doubt they have much in the way of a porn industry.

FWIW, when I think “geographic areas associated with donkey porn”, (which, I can’t stress this enough, is not that often, really!), I usually think of Mexico and Tijuana’s reputation for “Donkey Shows” (there’s a wiki entry if you really want to know and can’t figure it out on your own).

Porn is the same porn everywhere.

Except Japan.

I was gonna say, obviously you’ve never seen Japanese porn Malt.