All right, make me laugh! I’m looking for your favorite words and phrases that didn’t start out naughty, but now have become naughty or sound like they are. The one that popped into my head was “Rubbermaid.”
"You know how complex women are"
- Neil Peart, Rush (1993)
Edith on “All in the Family” occasionally referred to a Rev Felcher.
There once was an OTC “diet candy” called “Ayds.” (Lose weight with Ayds, oh yeah.)
Portative organ.
This was #1 on a top ten list from the Letterman show: “top ten things that sound dirty but aren’t.”
“Skydiving over Mount Baldy”
Live a Lush Life
Da Chef
Snack nuts.
Dill weed.
Jock itch.
Bucky (no, not that it sounds naughty, just…where is Katy and Pixoid when I need them?)
Oh, well. We can always make more killbots.
Too bad my sister isn’t here. She can take any word or phrase, no matter how innocent, and come up with some risqué connotation. All that’s coming to mind for me right now is:
When you’re with the Flintstones,
Have a yabba-dabba-doo time
A dabba-doo time,
You’ll have a gay ol’ time!!!
This from a children’s show, no less!
An infinite number of rednecks in an infinite number of pickup trucks shooting an infinite number of shotguns at an infinite number of road signs will eventually produce all the world’s great works of literature in Braille.
Man. Ass.
Truncation of Manifold Assembly on Air Force supply listings.
I always got a kick from that one!
I could never eat a mouse raw…their little feet are probably real cold going down. :rolleyes:
One previous employer, on proposal charts, listed my position Systems Analyst as Sys Anal.
VB, funny you say that because we had an Assisitant Manager who once abbreviated his title in an e-mail as Ass. Man.
Guess what his new nickname was.
“blew me off”
(oooh, I feel so diiiirty!)
“My lawyer got me off.”
“I thought: opera, how hard can it be? Songs. Pretty girls dancing. Nice scenery. Lots of people handing over cash. Got to be better than the cut-throat world of yoghurt, I thought.” - Seldom Bucket
“Snatch block”
I was mortified when I learned that a clean and jerk was not something given by a girl who washed he hands.
Actually, here’s something interesting.
A joystick in a plane is called that because of how it was placed between the legs of pilots. Literally. And that is also why it’s called a cockpit.
True. (I think) I saw it in a dictionary.
The Legend Of PigeonMan - Shadow of the Pigeon
Weirdo of the Night
Head Cheese
Jesse Helms
In·flam·ma·ble, a. Flammable.
I was watching football at some point last season, and a guy got hit really hard. Imagine my reaction when the announcer said, with a perfectly straight face, “So-and-So just got a BLOW on the sidelines!”
Damn, that’s a REALLY enthusiastic cheerleader.
That’s one possible derivation of Joystick, and certainly the one that makes the best story.
The Cockpit one’s a lot more suspect.
(Hope that link works. If not, scroll down.)
Eschew Obfuscation
Cotton balls.
Changing my sig, because Wally said to, and I really like Wally, and I’ll do anything he says, anytime he says to.