Navy ensign surprises his little boy at school - have a hanky ready!

This is a few years old. I puddle up at least a little bit every time I see it.

Crying like a little baby.


Ugggggh…when will this war(s) end?


Kinda makes me think how sad the little kids are whose daddy doesn’t come home. My wife and kids are gone for the weekend and I miss them!

Four more Canadians killed in Afghanistan last week bringing the total to 116. Yes I know the U.S. - Iraq numbers are higher: some 4,200, but for a country our size we’re pulling our weight. So fuck you, Fox News.

Damn, and I thought it was going to be masturbation fodder.

You’ve ruined my evening.

Um… you read the thread title, right? :dubious:


[nitpick]He’s actually a Petty Officer, not an Ensign.[/nitpick]

I didn’t notice his rank insignia, and they called him an ensign. Thanks for the correction.

Yeah, that clip always makes me tear up too.

Did anyone see the one returning veteran greeting his dogs?

As does this one:

tears streaming down my cheeks- check.