Naxos Is From An Alternate Universe

I predict “banned” by the 4th of July.

OK, that was funny. :smiley:

However, if I was one of the afflicted, I would be supporting religion rather than diagnosing it :slight_smile:

Sure, and most people who say stuff like this are obviously joking. Sadly, I didn’t get that you were talking tongue in cheek there. If you were, then you whooshed me. If not then, well, it indicates seriously mental instability, to say the least…and a rather tenuous grasp of reality.


Ohhh… I don’t know… just kill several thousands of dark skinned people and call it a divine purpose!

It may work for some people. It does not work for me.

Ok…so, you really are stupid and ignorant as well, so no point in continuing any sort of discussion with you. And I’m tired of threads with the batshit insane and ignorant…if I wanted a discussion like that I’d open up one of Le Jac’s numerous threads, or one of the anti-nuclear rant threads. I guess I need to add you to my mental list of whacked out 'dopers, though if John Mace is right in his prediction it shouldn’t be something I need to keep track of for any extended period of time.

Are you going for the ‘pity me because I’m ignorant AND crazy’ vibe here? Let me know how that works out for you…


You’re not making any definite statement in your comments. Do you support the indiscriminate killing of people because of another group of people claiming divine purpose of the massacre?

Don’t answer that, it’s a rhetorical question. And I just remembered I’m not supposed to comment on Israeli massacre activities.


Religious belief is a learned and shared delusion. I don’t think that qualifies it as a mental illness, any more than any other false belief does.

The entire statement is a big ignorance based strawman, and a complete cartoon of the complexities and realities of the situation. It assumes that the Israelis are ‘indiscriminately killing people’ (which they aren’t), and that they are doing it because they feel they have some sort of ‘divine purpose’ (which isn’t the reason for the conflict, nor the reason people are getting killed). It also assumes that Israelis are white and Palestinians are ‘dark skinned people’, and that this is the reason it’s ok to kill them…or something.

Basically, there is no way to pack any more ignorance into your meaningless statements unless you want to bring in space aliens or some whacky conspiracy theory to top it off. Perhaps if you actually learned something about the history of the region and looked into the complexities of the situation, you’d have more insight into what’s really going on there. Or, you could just continue your sophomoric cartoon rants and ignorance filled crazy whack-nuttery and see how that works out for you.

What are you talking about not supposed to comment?? This is the Pit you wingnut…knock yourself out. If you want to rant about ‘Israeli massacre activities’ or other fact free bullshit, this is certainly the place to let fly the hounds of crazy. Feel free.


I don’t like religion either, but declaring religious belief to be a mental illness is stupid. A mental illness is a condition that leads to pathological difficulty or inability to conduct a functional, independent life.

For example, everybody has some odd compulsive or obsessive behaviors. But you don’t have obsessive-compulsive disorder unless these behaviors are so bad that they interfere with your ability to manage your life.

Annoyed if all the dollar bills in your wallet are not oriented the same way? Not crazy.
Full-blown panic attack if you step on a crack on the sidewalk? Crazy.

The vast majority of religious people live perfectly functional lives. I don’t agree with them and I think their beliefs are asinine, stupid, and sometimes dangerous. But equating them all with people who have profound difficulties and who suffer from real illnesses is ignorant and cruel.

I suspect this is just a throw-away false equivalence, but assuming not, can you at least define what fundamentalist atheism is?

Thank you for the reassurance.

I’m an atheist myself. But I’m not devout.

However, there have been people on this board who have posted that they are certain that atheism is true and would remain certain they were right even if presented with objective evidence that a religious belief was true.

And to me, holding on to your beliefs in the face of evidence that they’re wrong, is a religious belief. Even if your religion is atheism.

See the posts of Naxos.

The Posts of Naxos sounds like the title of a story you’d find in a discarded issue of Astounding from the 50’s.

A Starz Original Series.

I’ll answer it. The Israel-Palestine thing, even though it’s tinged with religion on both sides, really isn’t a religious conflict. It’s a matter of dueling nationalisms who are fighting over land, and even though some members of both groups use religion to buttress their claims, it’s not the root issue, and the leaders of both sides are thoroughly secular men and women (see, on Israel’s side, Zionism’s socialist roots and, on the side of the PLO, the mixture of Marxism and Arab nationalism)

Fatah’s constitution doesn’t even mention religion. Hamas does, but Hamas is kind of late to the party. All of the early Palestinian terrorist groups were secular left wing groups…lots of stuff about resisting Zionist imperialism and forming revolutionary cadres and so on, not a lot about God or Islam.

I haven’t had much contact with Naxos, but all I need to know about him is contained in this single sentence he posted up thread:

Are you claiming you have credentials related to the understanding of human psychology? What credentials?

Um, cite?

His post is his cite. He is credentialed, after all…


Who? Cite?

Repeating this over and over and over doesn’t make it so. But hey, whatever turns you on, I guess.