NBC has released their Fall schedule, which they hope will drag them out of fourth place. I say big hairy (restraining myself from cursing as this is not the Pit) chance.
To recap the crap brought back:
Apprentice, and another Apprentice. Second one starring Martha Demonspawn Stewart. The first one made me grimace in pain the episode or two I tried watching.
Will and Grace (and Jack and the lush chick and oh-did-you-know-Jack’s-gay-let’s-ram-this-unfunny-home) is returning about five seasons past when the show itself became the joke.
Joey. As much as Will and Grace tries desperately to turn the same tired gay cliches home, Joey does the same for stupid. Trouble is, it’s run out of ideas in only one season.
The Office. Not the good British one, of course.
New shows:
Three wishes. Amy Grant, Christian pop singer who hasn’t touched the mainstream in ten years, plays wish-granting Fairy Godmother.
My Name is Earl. Con lotto winner makes good on his life. NBC has high hopes. I’ll wait and see.
Fathom. “about seemingly innocent little sea creatures who turn into big scary monsters – sort of “ET” meets “Aliens” meets “Independence Day,”” Wow, this sounds riveting. Meh.
E-Ring. Dennis Hopper in a drama set in the Pentagon. I might give this show a try, despite Jerry Bruckheimer being attached. Probably far more interesting than my experiences in the real Pentagon.
Inconceivable. Horrible title, and a show about a fertility clinic. Expect high drama about unborn babies and snide comments, as well as at least one focused episode, about those harlots who give up the gift of pregnancy for abortion.
And what made me write this entirely pessimistic OP:
Scrubs, the only good thing NBC had going for it in prime-time, is on back burner hiatus while utter (expletive deleted because this is not the Pit (yet))…nonsense is paraded out to hopefully die grisly miserable deaths from flop sweat.
Oh, and no more American Dreams, which was certainly better than Fathom or Inconceivable could ever aspire to be.