This is my first post to SDMB, but I’m a long time lurker (not advent of “Hi Opal” long, but I do remember the original Rio by Duran Duran thread). Like many, I’m finally delurking because I need some information.
I learned about the existence of Yixing clay teapots (I think from an episode of “Elementary”) and was intrigued by the idea of a teapot that actually improved over time by absorbing the essence of the tea being brewed. I’ve finally decided that I’d like to acquire one and have started looking online for information. I plan to use it for lapsang souchong tea, and a low profile, low-fire clay pot seems to be what’s indicated. It’s when I actually try to find one to purchase that things get confusing. For instance, not a single teapot I looked at online discussed the firing method.
I’m not a tea snob and know I am unlikely to attempt a Gong Fu brewing technique as more than a curiosity (I’m also lazy). I would like a larger size pot; I’ve noticed that they tend to run very small. For me tea is more of a coffee substitute than a social ritual. I’ve seen prices ranging from $35 to several hundred for “yixing” pots. I’m definitely more towards the $35 end of the scale, but don’t want to buy some knockoff piece of crap that isn’t actually going to perform it’s function.
I know there are a lot of tea aficionados/enthusiasts and at least one shop owner on the board and hope you can provide me some guidance. General advice, specific sites or even a particular product you would recommend, any would be appreciated. Thanks to those of you who read to the end of this perhaps overly long post, and thanks in advance for any help.