Need advice on Vera Bradley bags

I have always hated Vera Bradley bags. I have always thought they were hideous and old-lady-ish.

Only, now I have seen one I like, and it’s available for a decent price on Amazon.

It’s the perfect color scheme for my wardrobe and it’s very summery, and it’s a great size for me to carry everyday.

I am still wary of the quilting, and I wonder how durable these bags are.

If you have a Vera Bradley bag, can you advise me on durability, and anything else you want to share about your bag?

i’ve gotten one as a present and one at a yard sale. they are more durable than you think and washable. i’ve had both bags for about 4-5 years, i don’t use them every day.

i have used the wallets everyday and finally replaced a wallet after 6 years of constant use, and a handfull of washes.

i know what you mean some of the patterns are a bit much. i did like the pink elephant. the bag i got as a present was just brown no pattern, the one from the yard sale is jungle animals. both are the on the sedate side.

I have about 6 Vera Bradley purses, and they are very durable. Mine have lasted 2+ years with daily use and are still fine, the only reason I changed any given bag was because I got a new pattern.

You won’t be sorry. They are lovely, very well made and hold up well.

Oh, that one’s really cute! I might have to get it too! (You aren’t allowed to go anywhere I go now, though. You’re on notice.)

But we’ll both be at ALA in June!

My second boyfriend’s mom gave me one of those larger ones as a tote bag.

At the time, I was still in my ‘theatre goth phase’ at college.

It’s the black pattern with the little white diamonds and red borders, so at least the colors were appropriate, but it was really not a very personality-fitting present. She’d known me for about two years before this. I actually felt bad when I realized how expensive the damn thing was, for as ugly as I thought it to be.

It ended up being my sex-toy bag. :smiley:

That seems entirely appropriate! :smiley:

I like quilted bags. Some of those patterns look a bit crazy, but some of them would look nice paired with the right outfit.

My aunt made me a quilted bag and I’ve used it for almost 10 years now. It’s a bit worn but still in decent shape.

Well, I’m afraid YOU won’t be. Or I suppose you can come and leave your bag at home. (Who am I kidding? At ALA everybody gives up on style and carries the conference tote bag.)

ETA - did we find out if any other Dopers are going to be there? We should meet up.

No one else answered your thread, so if other dopers are coming they don’t want to be outed.

I am there Fri-Tues. Once they publish the agenda I will have an idea what my free times are.

May have to ask again closer to the date - perhaps people didn’t know if they were going or not. I myself have to find somebody to take, since I got plane tickets for my now-ex who is, er, my ex. I’d happily still go with him but I doubt he’d want to. Probably end up taking my mama, which wouldn’t be the first time she’s substituted for him!

Vera Bradley bags are made right here in my hometown. They are extremely popular and very well made. A few years the bags were made in China and the quality suffered. They have since brought most of the production back to the US.

If you find you loooooove Vera Bradley, they have a huge sale once a year in Fort Wayne. All of the designs/styles aren’t available but the discounts are pretty good. Many people buy thousands of dollars of bags and resell them on Amazon, even though they’re not supposed to. The last day of the sale everything left is half off the sale price.

And what the hell is “ALA”?

When I got tired of my pattern I ended up giving it away. That’s how long they last - long enough for me, Ms. Non-Fashionable, to get tired of something and give it to someone and it was still good.

I am surprised and glad to know they are washable. I think some of them are cute, but I am concerned they would tend to get grubby. The gift shop near where I work sells them, and sometimes they have pretty good sales.

I am guessing that ALA is American Library Association.

Yes, it’s the American Library Association annual conference. It’s in New Orleans this year.

I’d always check ebay or craigslist for any Vera Bradley you like. If it’s been in production for awhile or it’s out of production you might get a better deal for it on ebay than from a store itself.

I have 3, all bought off Ebay (2 used and 1 new). I love them because they are light-weight, wash well, and are durable. Plus I think they are cute (my fave is the black with the pink effalumps). I’ve read that they can be looked down upon as matronly or old lady but I don’t care. The 3 I have are the traditional barrel-style. I think of them more as summer purses. Winter requires leather.

I am giving up style and toting my LLBean guide bag. It is utilitarian.

I’m a HUGE fan of Vera Bradley. My briefcase is Vera Bradley, my purse is Vera Bradley, and I’ve still got my old stuff, too. Some of the patterns are a little garish, but the bags are well-designed and durable.

If you get their e-mails, they’ve often got good deals. I got my current bag for less than half price during one of their Christmas sales.