Need an upbeat song

So I’m getting married in about a month, and the reception site is including something called a ‘champagne parade’ in my package. From the description, the waiters come out and do some sort of show-tune-like presentation while they pour champagne.

I’m supposed to pick a song for it, and I haven’t a clue. :confused: In the past, they’ve used **Hot, Hot, Hot ** and Pink’s **Get the Party Started **, or **Celebration ** almost exclusively. They say something upbeat works best, which I’m fine with, but the fiancé hates all those tunes and I’m blanking.

Anyone know what this is who can recommend a good tune? :frowning:

Bryan Ferry:

I wear my heart on my sleeve
I’m not afraid
To say what I mean
Mean what I say…

Never heard of him. Is it old? New? I can google it when I get home, I suppose. Thanks…

Old – 20 years +. Don’t recall the album offhand.

Sounds absolutely dreadful, but some suggestions:

Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves
Love Shack - B-52s
Love Train - The O’Jays
Ray of Light - Madonna

Housequake by Prince
Roller Coaster of Love* by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Dance Little Sister by Terrence Trent D’Arby

This is the song I came in the thread to recommend. VERY upbeat. It was on my wedding playlist.


Teen Age Wedding by Chuck Berry (Pulp Fiction)

A Love Song from a Different Point of View by Jimmy Buffet

Saber Dance is pretty up beat as well.

You Never Can Tell - Chuck Berry (perfect upbeat wedding song)

It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished 'em well
You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle…

Well, what goes with champagne better than a Cole Porter classic? I’d go with “From This Moment On” or “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”. As much as I love the ebullience of “You’re the Top!”, there’s a couple of lyrics in it that are unfortunately on-the-nose ironic right now (comparing one’s love to the G.O.P. nominee and Lady Astor – who just died at the age of 105).

There’s contemporary covers of the first two on the compilation disk Red, Hot & Blue (1990), with Jimmy Sommerville doing “Moment” and The Thompson Twins doing “Millionaire”.

I came in the thread to recommend Walking on Sunshine too! I think this is a third vote for it. It is definitely a feel good tune, and very upbeat.

Light and Day by the Polyphonic Spree would be pretty awesome.

How about Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen?

Where The Wild Roses Grow, Nick Cave.

“Roam” by the B-52s.

I’m pretty sure Ray of Light is about being overwhelmed by and missing out on life due to the constant stress and distraction of modern living. Upbeat music, sure, but not the most appropriate theme for a wedding.

*Zephyr in the sky at night, I wonder
Do my tears of mourning sink beneath the sun?

Faster than a speeding light she’s flying
Trying to remember where it all began

And I feel like I just got home,
And I feel like I just got home, etc.*

The music video lends a lot of credence to this theory.

Oh, and so I’m not just being a nitpicky jackass, I’ll nominate something else by Madonna that’s really upbeat, but not depressing. Deeper and Deeper. Very fast tempo, happy dance song about romance and family.

*When you know the notes to sing, you can sing most anything
That’s what my Mama told me
Every little thing you do will end up coming back to you
I let my father mold me


That’s why
I can’t help falling in love
I fall deeper and deeper the further I go
Kisses sent from heaven above
They get sweeter and sweeter the more that I know
The deeper I go


Someone said that romance was dead
And I believed it instead of remembering
What my mama told me
Let my father mold me
Then you tried to hold me
You remind me what they said
This feeling inside
I can’t explain
But my love is alive
And I’m never gonna hide it again*

Well, it wasn’t my first choice. Could’ve been worse though. Yonks ago I was in a record store behind someone looking for a song to be the first dance at her daughter’s wedding. I was able to figure out she was looking for “Hold On” by Wilson Phillips and felt it important to point out that lyrics like “I know this pain / Why do you lock yourself up in these chains?” and “You’ve got no one to blame for your unhappiness / You got yourself into your own mess.” not to mention the entire chorus weren’t really the sort of sentiments to start a bride and groom off on a life together.

There’s one in every crowd. :dubious:

my contribution:

The Communards - Don’t Leave Me This Way

I think it’s very catchy, and the lyrics would be appropriate

You’re sick. :smiley:

“For Once in my Life” - Stevie Wonder