Need help for a school research assignment

I am in a linguistics class at my university this summer (University of Illinois at Chicago) and we have to do a field research project that consists of giving a small survey to at least 30 people. This is a very short survey, by the way.

The point of this assignment is to ask one question regarding common language usage to at least 30 people. I figured that this board would be a good place to do this since there are dopers from all around the world and it would give a good sampling of all different types of people from all different backgrounds.

So, I would really appreciate it if you could answer me these few questions. You can either post your response here, or email it to me at My email address. Either way I’ll get it.

the questions are:

  1. What do you say when you want to say you to a bunch of people? (you guys, y’all, youse etc…)

  2. What is your native language?

  3. If your native language is English, where are you originally from?

  4. What places have you lived in since then?

  5. If your native language is not English, what is your native language?

  6. Age range?

  7. What is your level of education?

That’s it. I need to get at least 30 people, so if you could help me out, I would really appreciate it.


  1. Honestly, I vary. When I’m being serious/formal/feel like it I say “you” and hope they catch the plurality. when I’m being silly/sarcastic/feel like it I say “yinz”, since I moved to Pittsburgh and am trying to become a native. when I’m being mock angry or involved in a group announcement with friends I use “all y’all” (“Okay, listen up, all y’all” “Well fine, fuck all y’all too!”)

2)Native? English. Though I started with more Kipling interferance than most little kids.

3)Michigan suburbia. (shoot me. i got out though, so I’m recovering.)

4)Michigan downtrodden inner city. Pittsburgh college area. (Its all better than suburbia.)

  1. I’ll be 20 on July 3.

7)I’m half way through a dual degree in Chemical Engineering and Philosophy. I have continued to refuse to learn to spell or multiply in my head.

great, thanks. Now just 29 more and I’m set! :slight_smile:

  1. You
  2. English
  3. Canada - specifically Alberta
  4. Alberta, Northwest Territories, Ontario
  5. (baby gibberish)
  6. 30
  7. High school matriculation with several university level courses.

Let us know the results.

1) What do you say when you want to say you to a bunch of people? (you guys, y’all, youse etc…)
I say ya’ll.

2) What is your native language?

3) If your native language is English, where are you originally from?

4) What places have you lived in since then?
Utah, briefly.

) If your native language is not English, what is your native language?
Does not apply.

6)Age range?


7) What is your level of education?
Three years of college and fifteen years of practical experience and continuing education. I’ll complete the Elementary Ed. Degree someday!


Good luck with your study. :slight_smile:

1) What do you say when you want to say you to a bunch of people? (you guys, y’all, youse etc…)
It depends on the setting and my mood, as I’m sure you’d expect. My default is probably “you”, but I’ll often specify “you two” or “you all” just to make my meaning clearer.

  •                     2) What is your native language? *


  •                     3) If your native language is English, where are you originally from? *

Just outside of Boston, MA

  •                     4) What places have you lived in since then? *

Right here and Kingston, ON.

  •                     6) Age range? *


  •                     7) What is your level of education? *

“Some college.” :smiley:

  1. You
  2. English
  3. Hampton, VA
  4. Monroe, MI; Columbia, MO
  5. NA
  6. 17-21
  7. Completed 3 years of college

y’all, English, East Texas, East Texas, see #2, 17-21, 1 year of college.

Thanks guys. I now have 8 answers, just 22 more to go.

  1. What do you say when you want to say you to a bunch of people? (you guys, y’all, youse etc…)
  2. What is your native language?
  3. If your native language is English, where are you originally from?
    England, but lived in Australia since age of 2.
  4. What places have you lived in since then?
    England for 2 years.
  5. If your native language is not English, what is your native language?
  6. Age range?
  7. What is your level of education?
    Variety of tertiary education.
  1. Informally, “y’all.” Formally, “everybody.”
    ie. “Y’all listen up.” and “Everybody pay attention.”

  2. Texan. :smiley: Just kidding. English is my native language.

  3. Hi Opal!

3a. Topeka Kansas.

  1. LA. California, and Houston Texas.

  2. N/A

  3. 40+

  4. Master of Fine Arts.
    I hope this helps y’all. :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. What do you say when you want to say you to a bunch of people? (you guys, y’all, youse etc…)
    “You” or “You guys”

  2. What is your native language?
    English, though I learned English and Spanish about the same time, I use English more though

  3. If your native language is English, where are you originally from?
    Southern California, LA area

  4. What places have you lived in since then?
    No where else, I feel so deprived

  5. If your native language is not English, what is your native language?
    See question 2

  6. Age range?
    Under 17, 15 actually

  7. What is your level of education?
    High School

Good luck on your project.


  1. “You” in a formal setting, “y’all” any other time
  2. English
  3. Upstate New York
  4. Nowhere else, although I’ve spent time in Mississippi
  5. N/A
  6. 17-21
  7. High school graduate
  1. What do you say when you want to say you to a bunch of people? (you guys, y’all, youse etc…)


  1. What is your native language?


  1. If your native language is English, where are you originally from?

*Born in San Angelo, Texas. *

  1. What places have you lived in since then?

*I was a military brat and then married to a DJ for 8 years. I moved a lot.

San Angelo, TX,
Strong, AR,
El Dorado, AR,
Urbana, AR,
Athens, Greece,
Luxor, Egypt,
Danville, IL,
Shelbyville, TN,
Springfield, MO,
Tulsa, OK,
Stillwater, OK.*

  1. If your native language is not English, what is your native language?


  1. Age range?
  • 30 - 40*
  1. What is your level of education?

Second year Junior

  1. What do you say when you want to say you to a bunch of people? (you guys, y’all, youse etc…)
    You (sometimes “you lot” or “you guys”)

  2. What is your native language?

  3. If your native language is English, where are you originally from?

  4. What places have you lived in since then?

  5. If your native language is not English, what is your native language?

  6. Age range?

  7. What is your level of education?

Good luck with your project.

  1. Mostly y’all, but over the last few years I find myself saying you guys more frequently.
  2. English
  3. Texas
  4. Always lived in Texas (Dallas, Lubbock, Houston, Fort Worth)
  5. n/a
  6. 30-40
  7. Bachelors degree

1) What do you say when you want to say you to a bunch of people? (you guys, y’all, youse etc…)
Formally: ‘you’
With native southerners, I find myself saying ‘y’all’ (not being sarcastic, just ends up that way

2) What is your native language?

3) If your native language is English, where are you originally from?
Upstate New York

4) What places have you lived in since then?

5) If your native language is not English, what is your native language?

6) Age range?

7) What is your level of education?
Masters Degree (Music)

1) What do you say when you want to say you to a bunch of people? (you guys, y’all, youse etc…)


2) What is your native language?


3) If your native language is English, where are you originally from?

London, England

4) What places have you lived in since then?

Cambridge, England

5) If your native language is not English, what is your native language?


6) Age range?


7) What is your level of education?

degree; post degree professional qualification
Good luck. I hope you realise though, that this sample is non random - it is self-selecting since you are only getting the kind of person that (a) reads MPSIMS on the SDMB and (b) is the kind of person that is happy to answer surveys even in the absence of incentive. This is by no means a representative sample.

Still, it’s a pretty good way to easily canvass a range of countries, so more power to you.
