Need help reading between the aster**ks

Update: He meant arse. It was his new word, apparently. In honor of learning about his new word last night, I decided to use it so much in the course of about 30 minutes that he abandoned it. I guess that makes me

I don’t get it. Should I ask?

“Her little fucking arse.”

I dn’t gt it either

Wasn’t she a silly goose
Her little ass to risk.

And what they almost always do is just bleep is the ‘god’ part of it, so what you hear is “(bleep)damn”.

To a significant number of people, saying “god” is only mildly offensive, and saying “damn” is only mildly offensive, but saying “goddamn” is a blasphemy, which is extremely offensive. Same reason saying “Jesus Christ” as an interjection often gets bleeped.

And the sentence usually makes more sense with only damn as opposed to God. Frex: Close the (bleep)damn door! vs. Close the god(bleep) door! So God gets bleeped. It is really funny though.

Horray for GIGI. Nailed it.

BTW, that old joke dates from sometime around 1948 from Readers Digest. Saving it all these years JUST FOR THIS!!!

Your mate is a mother fucking, bastard,arsehole cunt who has just been a bit of a slly blly.