Need Information on Open Incision Cholecystectomy (Gall bladder removal)

I can find tons of information on the laparascopic procedure, but unfortunately, my husband had to have the open incision method. I’m having a hard time finding information on this version of the gall bladder removal surgery because the laparascopy is the default method now. Can anyone tell me their experiences with this version of the surgery? (Please, don’t give me information on the easy version - it’s just pissing me off at this point.)

I’d like to know how long you were in the hospital, how long before soft foods, how long before you were eating normally, how long before you were back to work, how long before you felt completely recovered, things you couldn’t do for quite awhile, any other complications, and just generally anything that would be useful for a patient and his spouse to know about this surgery and recovery.

(Yes, he is talking with his doctors, and we won’t be using any advice given here in lieu of doctor’s advice. I will, however, be asking him to tell his doctors that I went to the internet for information because they wouldn’t tell him anything. Apparently, doctors love that. :smiley: )