Need male version of "drama queen"

What do you call a straight man who blows things out of proportion, overreacts to everything and need to be the center of attention, negative or positive?

Dennis Miller or Bill Maher?

I’ve heard the term “drama king” being used. It’s as good a phrase as any.

The original is still the best. I call 'em drama queens regardless of gender.

“Drama Queen” - Seconded.

Me too. My dad gets called a “drama queen” on occasion by us and the sound of being called a “queen” is so jarring that it makes him tone it down a bit.

My dad is the very model of a modern…manly man.

Yup, “drama queen” is gender neutral. Not orientation neutral, but gender neutral… :wink:

I also say “drama queen”. It works :slight_smile:

Hm, so I’m the only one to suggest “asshole”?

“asshole” is too general a term. “drama queen” has a very specific connotation. I use it across gender and orientation lines.

Robin Williams

You don’t have to be female or gay to be a drama queen.

I use drama queen, too, which usually really pisses off the male drama queens I’m around. That is not exactly an undesireable side efect, IMHO.

My sister Brynda once used the phrase “Don’t turn this into a three act opera,” but most people just look a bit blank for a split second and then go on turning whatever they are upset about into a three act opera. I still like the phrase, though.

Yup. Anyone who acts like a drama queen, is a drama queen.

I like “prima donna” for both sexes. Though maybe the male version would be “primo don”…

i prefer to use “girl” or “bitch”…“fag” is always good, but that’s begging to piss someone on this board off.
…by the way, before i get feminininininininini-ized, those terms AREN’T synonyms

Impressive… Did you think by mentioning it would piss people off that that would somehow neutralize the insult?

Great, I get to spend my first post on some sexist Neanderthal’s homophobia…


But you spent your first post fighting ignorance. Not so bad, really.

Welcome to the board!

And not only that, you have a cool username.

I’ve heard “Drama Whore” used as a gender-neutral variant of “Drama Queen”. That seemed odd to me at the time, but I guess whore is technically a gender-neutral occupation.

I use “Drama Queen” for women. And “Attention Whore” as a gender-neutral term.

Although I think there’s actually a subtle distinction between the two. Drama Queens crave the drama and excitement. Attention Whores also want drama and excitement, preferably focused on themselves.