Need Music Recommendations for a Video

Hey All,

I’ve got a bunch of pictures from my summer internship, and I am thinking about putting together a simple slideshow type deal to show off the best ones. I can’t decide which song to put on the video. I want it to be up-beat with semi-meaningful lyrics. Something like Green Day’s Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), but not that song becuase it’s so cliched at this point.

Also, I am looking for that generic drum like song. Y’Know the one they play when they flash a bunch of pictures as they are panning out on another picture.

Thanks in advance.

I’ll go through the songs on my computer and see which ones I think might work…
[li]Eddie & The Hot Rods- “Do Anything You Wanna Do” *[/li][li]David Bowie- “Changes”[/li][li]REM- “Near Wild Heaven”[/li][li]The New Pornographers- “Use It” **[/li][li]Husker Du- “Chartered Trips”[/li][li]Big Star- “September Gurls” **[/li][/ul]

  • I can’t decide whether the lyrics are appropriate or very inappropriate for looking back on the intership. It depends on the intership I guess. This one could be great though. They sell a live version on iTunes, but from the preview it doesn’t sound as good as the record version. If you’re interested and need help getting your hands on it, let me know.
    ** The lyrics are abstract, but I think they get across the kind of feeling you’re going for. Unless they are actually saying something depressing and I’m not getting it.

Waffel Stomp Blues by Joe Walsh.
It’s from the Fast Times at Ridgemont High soundtrack.

I think “Celebrated Summer” would be more fitting.

“God Damn Job” by The Replacements would be funny.

Thanks for the suggestions guys. Right now the frontrunner in my mind is Summer of '69 by Bryan Adams. It conveys the general meaning, though the lyrics aren’t exactly right. I am open to more suggestions if you guys have them.