Need some ideas for movies in a Novels class

One of the novels my kids are going to be reading is “Killing Mr. Griffin.” In short, it is a pretty cliched book about students who accidentally kill their teacher, then try to cover it up. Naturally, there is one outcast who is sucked into the “in crowd,” and she is the wild card… Well, you can imagine. At any rate, I was wondering what movies are out there that follow that students-kill-their-teacher-then-try-to-cover-it-up theme. Any suggestions?? Thanks, dopers!!:smiley:

Perhaps this belongs in another forum?

I believe Teaching Mrs. Tingle was supposed to be a loose adaptation of Lois Duncan’s Killing Mr. Griffin.

Not a teacher, but Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead is a similar idea.

Judith, your suggestion was PRECISELY what I was thinking!

Not really related but some (liberal) overlap exists: The Faculty & The River’s Edge.

Bear in mind though, that The River’s Edge is the worst film ever made.

They actually made a T.V. movie on lifetime callef “Killing Mr. Griffin” I’m sure you could find it somewhere. It’s fairly new.

Thanks, everyone :slight_smile: I was hoping to stay away from River’s Edge!! I will look for the TV movie.

Star Wars? Didn’t try to cover it up, though…

I don’t think there are very many movies that follow this percise theme. Especially in todays climate.

You may however delight you students in writing their own versions of the story where they muder you (in story) and then have to figure out how to hide all the evidence. If you are anything like my english teachers, most of the kids have been thinking about this. You should give the set up of how it happens and what evidence there may be. (physical, witnesses, who would be the top suspect) and then see how the kids either destroy the evidence or frame one of their classmates.

(so how I don’t think the adminstration will go for this idea)

Sort of like “I Know What You Did Last Summer”- though I’m sure you’d rather not show that tripe in your classroom, right? Lois Duncan wrote both novels, actually.

In real life, last spring, in New York, not too far from where I live, something similar happened. A group of kids at a graduation party were drinking and such up at someone’s house, and two guys got into a fight. One guy hit the other and he passed out unconcious. They all freaked out, wondering if he was dead, and rather than take him to a hospital, they wondered if they should cover it up. No one called 911…I believe criminal charges were pressed, not sure if they were dropped. I was looking for a link. So I suppose you could add this as a cautionary tale if you want to scare the hell out of the students.