I am looking for an old MST3k episode and thought you guys could help me out. When I was a teenager I saw an episode that Joel was hosting and it was pretty much a rip off of Conan the Barbarian with some Red Sonja thrown in. At the very end Joel and Co went through scenes with mistakes (caveman wearing a wrist watch, horses riding in a field full of 4X4 trails) but other than that I remember nothing distinctive about it other than nonstop laughing my ass off the whole time. What’s it called?
On a related note, I’ve signed up with Netflix again and want to watch the best of MST3K. I prefer Joel over Mike but I’ll rent any recommendations you guys give.
Also notable for the villain’s ridiculous chicken hat, and the hero’s ability, using only simple tools and some animal skins, to create an aluminum-frame hang-glider.
The first time I saw Cave Dwellers, I ended up honestly rolling on the floor, laughing so hard I was unable to breathe, when he showed up flying the hang glider. I was maybe thirteen. I will never forget it. Freakin’ hilarious!