Neigh? Nay!


Why, oh why, must film makers ALWAYS lay on a heavy sound track of neighs, whinnies, snorts, nickers and so forth when a scene involves horses? What is it with the need to slather it on like a laugh track in a crappy sitcom? “Seabiscuit” for example – it was a good movie, and they got an admirable amount of the horse stuff right, but it seemed like every time they cut to a scene with horses, the “Neeeiiigghhhh” stuff got to galloping. Definitely :rolleyes: for any horse person.

Yes, horses do vocalize, but no, they don’t do it anywhere near that often. Way more of their communication is through body language. My two horses live at a barn housing around 30 horses and ponies, and one donkey. There’s less vocalizing from the whole bunch in a day than you’ll hear in one horse-related scene from any typical movie or TV show. About the only time you can count on a whinny-fest (plus glass-shattering bray) is when the food human is late with supper.

I can’t be the only person with specialized knowledge who’s driven mildy batty by Hollywood’s insistence on getting it wrong. How many of you out there who’re court reporters, for example, have stifled guffaws at your profession’s portrayal? I recall seeing a TV show, for example, with a “stenographer” whose machine didn’t have the paper tray deployed. :rolleyes: I can only imagine what other experts find absurd.