Neighbors Silly "Squabble"

Oops! The gravel truck had an accident. (Stock up on beer, first.)

My neighborhood is a loop off a thoroughfare, and we’re right behind a high school. The high schoolers who drive their own cars use our street as a back entrance. A few years ago, we petitioned to have speed bumps installed to keep the youngsters from using our beloved street as a raceway. Problem is, they sometimes drive two wheels off the outer edge of the street and leave turrets in front yards. Somehow two wheels going over a speed bump isn’t as bad in their eyes as all four wheels.

My across-the-street neighbor has his whole front yard covered in bushes, plants and flowers. He and his wife are constantly tending to it, and throw a major shit fit if anybody looks at it the wrong way. A speed bump is in front of his house, and it wasn’t long till he got the turrets. He installed these wicked Iron Throne-looking spikes along side the street to deter any side saddlers. They’re such a huge contrast to his Eden of a front yard, but it suits his rose-thorn personality. Beauty comes at a cost, you see.

The next neighbor up put shit-covered logs alongside his speed bump. At least that’s what he said they were. I personally haven’t examined them. The neighbor across the street from him planted a long mound of mulch along side the street, then grew a whole bunch of protective bushes, out of concern for his young daughter. He must not have thought they were effective enough, as he moved out a few months later. The people who replaced him haven’t bothered to trim the bushes, and they’re growing to huge sizes with wild plants sprouting in between them. As you drive down the street, you see nice pristine yard, nice pristine yard, BUSHES FROM HELL, nice pristine yard…

Yeah, neighbors are silly.

kayaker, I think you are amazing for switching the reflective poles, and I hope you can get in at least one more prank before the old farts turn on you or put in a security camera.

The switchback reminds me of when my parents’ neighborhood was hit by a windstorm the night before garbage pickup. The nearly identical bins were blown all over the place.
The next morning, rather than just grabbing the closest bin, everyone was out searching for their bin.

I personally wouldn’t be able to identify my garbage bin in a lineup.

“Friend of Cecil”?
How did you manage that?
Did it cost money?

  1. See this thread: Changes in subscription pricing here at The Straight Dope
  2. Donated money.
  3. YES.

It looks like you can become a Friend of Cecil for as low as $1.
Note that you get the title for more than a day, despite what the donation process specifies.

Railroad ties make great frontage edgers. They are harder on wheel alignment that speed bumps, which is a plus in certain situations.
(reason #231 why I have no neighbors)